How do I get MVP on the forums?

I find this odd.

I have never had trust level 3. I have never been banned. I have never been silenced, and I have been quite direct at people multiple times. I was called rude and insulting this weekend.

Not that I want any charges against me, but I seriously don’t understand how it happens.

They DO. They might not read exactly your post, but topics that create heat, will reach Blizzard through someone. It doesn’t mean they can listen to every single request, because many requests are conflicting with other requests, and there is no universal answer.

I think the Devs are well aware of the PvP Vendor situation, it comes up every time on both US and EU forums, Reddit etc. Much like Titanforging did, or account wide Essences.

However if any news is to come it will be from the Devs themselves, a blue post saying that concerns are passed on is something they could literally copy paste on every single discussion. It would be worthless, IMO.

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There was a thread a few weeks ago from our CM who was saying goodbye where she told us outright that part of her job (and by association part of the job of all CMs on the forums) is to pass on feedback to the appropriate people.

What you have to take in to account is, that if a CM posts something it is taken by us as a formal announcement and so they are very careful about what they post and where. Posting in lighthearted threads lets us know they are here but they rarely, if ever, post in serious subjects that need more formal announcements from the bigger fish in the company. If pvp vendors make a come back 1) it won’t happen before shadowlands and 2) a blue post will be made about it after an official blizzard announcement.

They are watching, reading and feeding back though.


I was banned once. For something I’d never personally see as breaking of rules - it was a controversial thread about genders, a very heated discussion and to chill things a bit I posted jokingly “WTS Fjarnskaggl”. Was banned. In the same time rude gender-related comments were posted in this thread and the posters were not banned.

Mods work in mysterious way :slight_smile: So no wonder if Uruk was too

Okay then, what stops them to formally assure people that their feedback is being passed to the decision makers? If CM’s avoid assuring is does it mean they prefer not to make such formal commitment. Again, very bad communication overall, lack of communication, lack of reaction…This is the impression Blizzard leaves.

I can only presume you are just falling below some requirement, the problem is we have no real way of seeing what that might be :frowning:

There is obviously the list of the requirements in the pinned FAQ, but we can’t tell what you still need, if anything.

I think they communicate well, based on blue announcements and how changes made to the game often reflect popular topics(e.g flying, titanforging, multiple difficulties, mythic+, wardrobe/transmog etc.)

Y’all talking about MVP’s and their green posts but you aren’t ready for the Cow Level 5’s raising.

It’s gonna be a whole new era!


Imagine you are a forum CM and you get a lot of flack just for being a forum CM as it is yeah? Then you have a standard copy paste reply of “we hear you and are passing on your concerns to the relevant people” to every single thread made on this forum every day, not just in general but all the sub forums too, how do you think that’s gonna work out?

Just have a little faith that they are watching, reading and passing on feedback.

We see them about so you know they are here. Things do get changed from time to time so someone somewhere must be telling the devs what we the players are disliking. Why can’t you accept that it’s the CMs??

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It is fine :slight_smile: Some people will just never get that extra cow level here. I am pretty sure I am myself not reading enough different topics (need 500 in 100 days). I ‘whatever’ about it.

Eww then pvp topic is unimportant. I get it, pvp is not the favorite activity of bigger part of the playerbase, but by ignoring some players and pissing them off because of this Blizzard creates a bad PR in general. Doesn’t matter if you deliberately ignore 10, 100 or 1500 paying customers. Even if that few compared to the millions of others, still…bad image.

I get what you mean, but being a technical person, I am not that inclined to just “have faith” They respond to other topics which means they are there, but see my comment above to Aylish.

You know, normally I don’t like memes, but cute doggie pics and gifs are the exception. :stuck_out_tongue: Well done. :slight_smile:


You can there is a few who have lost due to bans and got it back.

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They aren’t ignoring you, it’s kind of like you are expecting them to treat this forum like a Twitter/Facebook feed and I think that would end up looking worse with standard Americanised customer service replies that lose their value.

The forums are for discussion and when it comes to issues like pvp vendors (and I totally agree it was a bad move to remove them) having a discussion and giving reasons why they need to give them back then gives the CMs the feedback that needs to be passed on.

We can have multiple topics a day about pvp vendors and if a CM replies to all the them with the same copy paste reply people will still feel ignored/brushed off.


Because like it or not that counts as trolling and derailing the topic rightly or wrongly you got reported.

Hehe I see.
Then one could wonder why posting meme gifs doesn’t. (nothing personal to anyone, just wondering).

These forums seem to be quite in chaos at the moment.

They simply never respond to opinionated topics. They don’t do that for pve ones either, and if you kinda think about it, they can’t. CMs are not designers, and even if they were, it would be totally bollocks for them to get in a shouting match with some disgruntled forum users. If they would answer to a legitimate concern once, they would open the flood gates for everyone to want their pet causes to be answered to, relevant or not, and would only create more outrage. They can pretty much only post these kinds of irrelevant crap, otherwise they would risk making things worse.


People have be banned for gifs and links but you have to be careful and within CoC .
Ive been banned 17 times and on my last warning for perm ban. Some of my bans have been completely spot on others not so much . I got a 72 hour ban for teasing my best friend on the forums and somebody got offended on her behalf the whole system needs a revamp.

I see. Then what they’re here for? Except moderation. I mean, players address legitimate concerns and what happens with this? No one knows.
The CM that left, I haven’t read that she posted “we do acknowledge your feedback”, I missed this. But she posted it just before she left…

Suppose she wasn’t bound by NDA’s anymore or sort of. That’s why she could say it. What a situation.

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The one thing that gets me about this thread.
Obvious troll posts by the OP one of many he makes per day on many alts and it gets 2 blue replies and still going .
Yet i can say one word and thats it perm ban the forums need real people with empathy to moderate atm the mods seem very erratic.