How do i get season 1 raid tier transmog in season 2 and season 3?

I restarted playing a few days ago and i was wondering how do i get the raid tier set from season 1?
I know that doing the Vault of the Incarnates raid could give that set, obviously… but i was wondering if i could get it in the catalist…the same way you get season 2 tier set, and in the future season 3?

You can get the normal and heroic sets from converting ilvl 385 primal storm/forbidden reach gear and then upgrading it to 395. For the LFR and Mythic versions there’s no alternative besides doing the raid.


I didn’t know you could put last season’s gear in the catalyst! Hopefully still true in 10.2, I was hoping for a few more LFR pieces but I’m out of charges x(

…although I’m not sure how I’d go about upgrading S1 items now or S2 items in S3…

Ever since they brought it back online in 10.1 it also worked for older stuff, that includes Sepulcher sets as well. The only problem is of course a big part of the catalyst was M+ items and those aren’t obtainable after the season ends.

I think my question is if I end up with an S1 LFR piece is it even possible to get the upgrade currency now?

finding the matching ilvl is not the best way to do it especially when it’s basically free. they should just enhance that catalyst window and put some tabs for seasons and let us convert into any piece to any previous season

they can buff all LFRs to drop M2 loot so that its worth doing even after its ‘‘old content’’…

Legacy tier and the first raid is free to upgrade, no currency required.

It’s just the current raid we have to have the currency for.

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