How am i supposed to enter MNP?
I have a guild, but the raid squad disbanded over petty Tauren-feces after our 5th successful HC-NP run. Now im stuck with a non-raiding guild on 636 and im bored out of my mind. i want the CE achivement and i want to put the necessary work into it, but i see no way of ever getting inti any grp. PUGs are a waste of time and other guilds wont pick me up as standin so…? Am i just backstabbed in the donkey now?
Plz help?
With that ilvl and heroic clears you can pretty easily get into a mythic pug for the first 4, do well, apply to CE level guilds and go from there.
Wll in case you didnt read, PUGs are a waste of time. yeah the bosses are fairly easy but so is ansurek hc and look at how pugs go there.
BTW: leaving my guild was the ONLY working solution. thx blizzard
He stated first 4 bosses of Mythic raid. And those are not a waste of time. Quite easy to clear.
The thing is that this late in the patch, the only guilds that actually recruit people are those that havent killed Ansurek in Mythic yet. And they are recruiting because they are bleeding members. Guess why that is the case.
When its this late in the patch, the best you can do is try to join a guild with plans for next season. And try with them next season.
And season after season, eventually you bump into a group that actually clears Mythic.
It has been this way since Vanilla by the way. And its the #1 reason why so few people actually raid Mythic.
Why is this Blizzards fault? I swear to God people like you are utterly baffling. You’ll stub your toe and blame some external force.
This is not blzzards fault at all like what even is that comment.
Apply to mythic raiding guilds the guild you was in clearly had HC in mind and they where happy with that until next season that’s Fine mate go and apply. The point in doing mythic first 4 bosses is for the vault and not only that but to continue to gain experience you WILL have an interview process to most mythic guilds and performance for the group not yourself is key so… Go forth stop moaning and apply put in the work you need to do to get to where you claim you want to be
I just dropped a bowl of soup all over my pants, they are ruined.
Thanks Blizzard!!!
Im mad, cause the 0nly solution to get into the mythic raid rn was to leave my guild. i like my guild and i would very much like to stay there. a guild is not a tool i use to get eq. and it shouldnt be. i cant believe that after 20 years there is still no other way to play content then to to be lucky enough to have a guild that can play it.
With this thread i hoped i get a way to get into the content WITHOUT leaving my guild. like discord servers with communities that organize entry level mythic raiding outside of a fixed guild structure. really anything like that and the only help i got was to get a better guild.
BTW i tried PUGs for MNP and every time the grp wiped on the first Ulgrax pull… so theres that.