How do I obtain a polearm with Intellect stats in DF? [ANSWERED]

I’m a Mistweaver monk currently playing through the main quest storyline in Dragonflight and want to get a polearm with Intellect stats. I’m a very casual player who doesn’t do PvP and overall I can rarely spare more than an hour a day for gameplay because of rl (job, family, health concerns, etc. eat up most of my time). I’m aware staves can be transmogged into polearms, and that polearms with Intellect stats are quite rare, but I was wondering if anyone has any idea if it’s at all possible for me to obtain one in the current expansion, either through questing or crafting, and how? Google has been no help in this regard, unfortunately.

A list of crafted here


I don’t think there are any :frowning:

This, they are druid and hunter weapons mostly (with agility stats).

If you need it for a good mog, older expansions have a couple decent looks OP :smile:

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