How do I start with pet battles?

I asked a guard in SW on where the pet battle trainer is and only learned Horned Owl.
I am confused on what else to do

Audrey only sells you one pet - your race’s pet. For Night Elves, that is the Horned Owl.

This video from Hazelnutty is very approachable, but has the approximate density of osmium. There is a LOT in it. Definitely a good start.

You will want at least three addons to start:

  • Rematch
  • Pet Tracker
  • BattlePet Breed ID

You may choose others later, but you won’t regret getting used to these.

You can optionally buy pets at the Auction House, or start farming them. You can also capture pets in the wild.

Here is a list of the most used pets (at level 25, which you ain’t at yet, obviously).

I also have a big post here

about how to get your first pet to 25. That is significant because you can only uncage and learn tradable pets up to the highet level you have, so until you have at least one pet at 25, you can’t usefully buy level 25 pets.

For high-level players, doing the Dragonflight Lubbins questline is definitely a fast way to get a pet to 25. That is explained in the post, as Approach 5.

Once you have a pet at 25, I have a further post explaining the things you might choose to do next, here:

There are two really helpful sites devoted to pet battles

Warcraft Pets:

Do bookmark them both. They are probably too advanced for you right now, but you will find them useful.

Each also has a Discord associated. Very friendly Discords. :smiley:

PLEASE ask anything else you might want to know!


Edit: Sorry, I omitted the link to my first guide. It’s added now.

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