How do I unlock BFA Arathi Highlands?

So I want to get the Witherbark Direwing but I don’t know what I should do to get Arathi Highlands unlocked. There once was like this battlegrounds thing I got about the Arathi Highlands, but I kept waiting in line for more than five hours until I accepted it was a waste of time and energy.

I leveled in the BFA zone but because leveling is so fastpaced nowadays it’s easy to skip a lot of quests or expansion mechanics.

What do I need to do?

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The warfront (“battleground”) isn’t where you can get the mount, so don’t worry about that bit. As for the BfA phased zone, that should kick in when you’re doing BfA level content. Disable timewalking if you’ve got that on and it should be there.


I think Drae is right; above level 50, the level-50 phase of Arathi should be available for you. I think.

Just fly there and see if the mobs are level 30 or level 50.

If they are level 30, look for a speech bubble on your map, centre of the south of the zone, by the river inlet. That’ll be Zidormi, whom you can speak to to set the phase.

If not, if you have to open the phase/warfrront, let us know and we can look up Wowhead - 'cos we’ve all forgotten :stuck_out_tongue:

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She’s there. But she doesn’t give me the option to change the timeline. :stuck_out_tongue:
So I think I should open the warfront? Uhh… how do I do that? Is it a quest?

Look at the mobs in the zone. What level are they? 30, or 50?

They are 30. It’s the Cata Arathi.

Curses, foiled again!

OK, there’s a short quest line you have to follow through with to open the Warfront and get daily quests in the zone, and it looks likeyou don’t get it for free at level 50.

This character? So Horde. Head down from Dazar’ to the docks of Zuldazar Harbor. You should see a quest there that leads to either Arathi or Darkshore warfrront, depending which is up this week. AFAIR, opening either opens both.

Looking for exact quest as I type … will fill in if I find it.

This seems to be the sequence

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Does the zone need to be in Horde Control for the rare to be available to kill for the drop?
I’m not sure, I’ve not farmed the rares there, it was kind of out of sight out of mind.
Or am I just muddying the waters and sowing confusion where none need be…

Druza Netherfang doesn’t give the quest!! Reeeeeeeee-
Maybe I will have to fight in the Warfront first to unluck that questchain? Or do the Darkshore quests first?

If those quests are there, then I’d suggest doing them.

No. I think there are a couple of rares that are faction-specific, but only a couple. Witherbark would not be one.

When out of their control a faction is marked PvP (and may not be able to fly there? can’t remember, but something about that) but the rares are still available.

What about Throk?


Trying to find a Horde of mine who never went there …

Nope. Has no quests for mine.

OK this is weird.

I have a level 51 Horde I levelled right at the end of BfA.

She just flew to Arathi. She doesn’t even have Arathi uncovered on the map, so she definitely never went there in BfA.

The mobs are level 50, and the rares are available to kill.


Did you open World Quests in BfA? Do you have your Flight Master’s Whistle available there?

I recall someone having a problem opening Warfronts because they never did Uniting Zandalar, the quest that opens World Quests for BfA and gives you the Flight Master’s Whistle for BfA.

It would be a pain if that’s what you hav to do, but it makes sense, since the level 50 Arathi and Darkshore phases are primarily for World Quests.

Edit: at least it looks like you do have Frfiendly with all factions, so all you would need to do to get it is get the Heart and hand in the quest at the Ship in the harbour.

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I go check it. I’ll keep ya’ll updated.

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