How do MM survive in m+ 15+?


How do MMs survive in m+ 15+?

I’m struggling to push beyond 3k2 mmr because of how squishy I am, I’m a liability for groups… and obviously ppl are unkeen to pick me for high keys… (I’m a solo-queuer FYI, lone wolf IG and IRL :sweat_smile:)

I’m 524ilvl, got over 1.3M HP, 30% versa with food and phial, all possible defensive talents (passive and active) from tree and enchants (avoidance), and still I get oneshot while full HP sometimes… worse, sometimes I even get oneshot while under Fortitude of the bear (which brings me to over 1.6M HP)… (happened to me today on the bird boss from AA 16, on 3rd Deafening screech… yeah 3rd, not even 4th… I cant use turtle or survival of the fittest on 3rd as I need to save them for the 4th and/or for later… and I have 35% versa there thanks to the free 5% buff given at the start of the dungeon!)

And with only 2 true def cds (not counting Fortitude of the bear as one as you merely gain 200k HP, not even actually…), which only last 6 and 8 sec and both have 2.4min of cd, good luck to survive a high key tyra boss fight with regular potentially-oneshot’ing mechanics if you dont have someone there to look after you/save your *ss…

Are BMs as squishy?

I suggest using this:

Taking a quick look, on a 16 tyran you should be able to just use fortitude on 3rd screech, survival on 4th screech, turtle if you get a 5th screech and be fine. Fort should make you just barely survive the third, but this is not counting for any group buffs or anything but yourself - so just make sure you are topped and should be fine.

thx vm, very useful, it says I should have survived with a lil bit over 9% HP, yet I didn’t, and I was full life and used Fortitude for sure, strange…
Perhaps I didnt realise one of my buffs had expired…