How do people sell Void Talon/TPLD?

Hi everyone,

In trade chat I often see someone advertizing that they are selling Time Lost Proto Drake, Void Talon and something else, but I don’t understand how can someone sell these, having their randomness nature in mind?

For example, I can find myself in Storm Peaks and see TPLD. And then I seel it how? By the time I make premade grp finder saying I see it, so people can realm hope to me, someone will appear and kill it.

Much worse to me seems Void Talon. So I agree to buy it and then what? Someone goes and camps 30 places in Draner for the portal to appear and then calls me to come there and enter it, while hoping no one else will do it before me?

Does anyone have idea, I am really curious.


No idea tbh i wonder whats the point of buying such mounts,i mean if u wont earn it then where is satisfaction?

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Collectible that’s it. If you have gold to spend on a rare mount, why not.

I would imagine they are based on RP realms that therefore don’t have sharding or CRZ. So they can guarantee sell that kill, providing no one from their own server comes along to kill it. A far smaller pool of people than we get on regular servers with CRZ/Sharding.

who wouldnt want to miss out on the 24/7 grind farming tlpd

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True,but feeling of accomplishment is awesome after getting it yourself and thats main reason why i collect mounts in this game

While I partially agree, that is not the topic.

Again, nature of these mounts is such that I cannot comprehend how can someone sell then, as I’ve explained in the OP. Punnyelf provided one explanation, but I’m still not convinved tbh.

I mean, selling Void Talon. In order to “sell it”, you need to be able to locate the portal in Draenor right away and lead person who will buy it there. Can’t see how it’s done.


It’s as she said. People on less traveled shards come across it and try to find a buyer as fast as possible.

Scammers paradise btw, use it at your own risk

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From my understandings and some experimantation from my brother’s side some time ago people make alot of characters on obscure realms (you know PVP-RP-German etc) and the guys selling actually have either alot of people on those realms on all the spots so whenver you see the announcemnt in trade proably there is an TLPD or a Void talon up and its a remote 1% chance of someone evern taking it that’s why they can see it.

It’s just guessing really but after my brother proved that doing the Lost forgotten hyprogryhp on one of those realms was so fast i kinda get that might be the way this guys work.

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