How do you actually unlock Tanaan Jungle quests?

I’m trying to do Pathfinder for WoD on an Alliance character, but I have no quests or anything about building a shipyard. That’s supposed to open it up?

I also have no way that I can tell to upgrade my garrison from 2 to 3? Unless it is already 3 and I can’t tell. I can only upgrade the main building to 2 for 2k resources

When it was current you unlocked town hall level 2 which then opened up new options, then Town Hall level 3 which fully opened them all. Your shipyard should start with a quest which leads to a small scenario where you have to fight through the blackrock shipping dock and ending with freeing an orc shipbuilder who gives u the ability to create the first two ship types. After that Khadgar gives you a quest to infiltrate Tannan where you eventually build your Tannan Outpost. When your town hall is level 3 you will see Varian standing at the other side of the table from your two mission tables with the quest.

To upgrade your two hall you need to be a certain level (again current) and have the necessary amount of resources. You click on the architects table to upgrade your town hall and buildings. For alliance to get new plans (if you have unlocked them) you speak to the gnome standing next to it.

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Main building = the whole garrison, so the 2k upgrade is what you’re looking for. Then you should get the shipyard quest. After that, the Tanaan intro and then the quest chain.

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Is there an easier way of getting garrison resources at 120? Only have 316 right now

Buy Huge Ogre Cache on the AH. 1000 resources each. They come from follower missions.

Get Garrison to Level 3. Varian will appear and offer you the start of your Shipyard quest chain that opens Tanaan.


In addition to Gráinne’s info, I thought you might like the shipyard guide too :wink:

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If you haven’t done Gorgrond yet, go there, pick the lumber mill and fly around the zone, shredding vines. They cover treasure boxes that should give some resources. Also, build the lumber mill building and chop trees to turn into mats at the building through work orders.

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