How do you address Server Lagging during Nazjatar PvP event being raided every time?

Hello this is a complain not about the game design like other people complain BFA is not good, but its about cross faction causing every single server to lag. Doesn’t matter low populated or highly populated server.

Every single PvP Event in Nazjatar is being raided by horde players(i’m starting to believe they are either bots or people who boost those who pays them) Now I won’t complain if alliance actually can capture few objectives and keep resource ratio between 40-50% but no every time its always the same. 10-30 at maximum resources while rest is taken by huge amount of horde causing server to lag.

You can’t even questing there… Please fix that awful thing. If not then I simply go to booster service and hire Alliance Faction raid and do the same. I have realized if I want to progress in PvP I must pay to boosting service to progress in the game… Sad but its true.

Before I was on a low populated realm and its the same. I thought maybe on this server there are more horde than alliance so I pick Argent Dawn server which is known that alliance players are bigger numbers than horde so I paid for realm switch, but eventually the sad truth is the cross realm is really doing more harm than good. Yet it has its positives but negatives as well.

It’s not a cross faction or even the PvP event issue.
Blizzard cut costs, their servers can’t handle anything over 15v15 in open world, simple as that.

Not all are experiencing unplayable lag, but if you are, try this tech support suggestion.

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