How do you define “casuals”

So i’ve seen the term “casuals” get thrown around a lot, sometimes it’s used in a negative way.

But what is a casual actually?
I don’t have a guild, i don’t raid, i mostly just pug 1-10 keys in m+. I started playing wow season 3 of BFA.
Yet i play this game a lot, like everyday and for quite some hours.

I would define myself as a casual player, yet most define a casual player as someone who plays the game for like 1-3 hours and that’s it.

What do you define as a casual player?

Maybe i’m just a noob and not a casual :grin:

To me casual is a play style and not based on time playing.
If youre casual you’ll do maybe lfr or something but most time spent will be doing old content or world quests.

If it was based on time spent, theoretically you could have mythic raiders defined as casual if they only logged on to raid a few hours a week and that just doesn’t sound right


No form of organised schedule for group content.

And no intent or desire for endgame gear or activities.

By my definition :smile:


I think is just a definition that will change from player to player.

Like i did not want to commit to a guild during this exp and so when i was not frozen, i just got Curve and did M+ for fun.

So i would say i played this expansion really “casually” from a progress standpoint but i did play a lot and did ton of side things that i wanted to do.

That’s how i would define a casual as well, a play style.

I guess you can have very skilled players who only log in for a few hours a day. Yet they raid or do m+ at a high level, they just spend their time more effecient. Yet i wouldn’t define them as casuals.


i don’t, i don’t pigeonhole people, even serious players can be casual…
i don’t think there are casual or serious gamers, just gamers, whether you play well, or a little or badly or a lot, whether you love mathematics or murdering mobs, gaming is too many different things to too many people to be so black and white…:slight_smile:
if you have to define it at all then i would say casuals are everybody that isn’t getting paid to play.
do some people confuse the word ‘casual’ for ability?, personally i’m a very serious gamer, you couldn’t count the hours or the amount of games i’ve ‘wasted’ my time on in my 40+ years of playing, am i any good though?..urk…:smiley:


People play the way they want to.

Its only other players who feel the need to attach “labels” onto them, if it’s to give the other player an ego boost, or to denigrate them, or for whatever reason.


skin heads, docs, bomber jackets,

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Casual are imo people who doesnt have an aim for endgame.

Like someone who just does M+ for fun, doesnt care about depletes or score or whatever, is a casual.

Or someone who plays arena but doesnt care about their rating, is a casual.


It’s one of those words that has so many different definitions that it’s useless. I suggest not using it, and being careful of any statement that does.

It can mean time played each week, or difficulty attempted, or just general approach. You never know how somebody means it. If anyone has a real point to make, beyond general fuzziness, and you care, best ask them specifically.


I see it as people that don’t try to improve / push endgame content.

If someone spends 100 hours a week doing pet battles and mog runs, thats still casual (in attitude, not time spent)
A person could spend 5 hours a week pushing high keys or mythic raids, thats more hardcore attitude but less so from a time pov.

That’s me and I see myself as a filthy casual :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

No stress, just chilling :smirk:

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Casuals are players that don’t dedicate much time to the game, it has nothing to do with skill or effort. You can be a casual player playing 2 hours per week and manage to clear mythic or get gladiator.
Hardcore are players that puts a lot more time in the game, you can be a hardcore raider/pvp’er or you can be a hardcore pet battler, or a hardcore lfr hero or world quester.

I dont even know what casual is anymore. I do consider myself casual, i dont spend alot of time in the game and i do the content i find fun and dont bother with the rest. Others would probably define me as not casual though, ppl have such different opinions about what a casual is.

That makes sense, and it doesn’t help that it get’s used differently in so many game communities.

What i don’t get is when it’s used in a negative way, i mean we already have an old and well established word for bad players.
What do people mean with that?
All i can think if when people use it in that way. Is a person who doesn’t care.

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When someone says “I’m casual” at this game, to me it means they don’t push the hardest content and they don’t play fotm.

For me a casual is someone who doesn’t take the game too seriously.

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less than 3 hours per day /played

I am a casual. Do with that information what you want :smile:

(for real; dont use the word. It has no definition.)