I don’t know what to suggest to you, this problem is completely alien to me.
the first character I ever created is still my main to this day, despite multiple breaks from the game over the years.
But if you prefer to play multiple alts without a definite main there’s no problem with that as long as you have fun.
I have the opposite problem: I’m a mainoholic. My alts usually end up being deleted. I’ve been playing this character since BC and every time I think about the amount of things I’d have to redo on an alt makes me delete the alt.
I have done Loremaster twice, before and after Cataclysm and I would have to redo it on an alt to be able to role play in phased zones. Ugh. So nope, I’m really not looking forward to redo all that stuff on an alt. I have 14 years of work invested into this toon.
But different people enjoy the game differently, there are people who enjoy levelling and even the 50 character cap per account is not enough for them. It’s cool.
I feel that some distinction should be made between alts for farming and those to experience another playstyle on endgame content.
If there is a strict phylosophy in WoW where any item or achievement can be acquired on any class or faction, this would solve a lot of the alt-related dilemmas that people are having. Alts for the sake of farming things (crafting, mogs, mounts etc) isnt very good for the game in the long run. However, the game currently has so many convoluted restrictions that many people are subliminaly pushed into playing alts and then get punished for it (the typical “why you hitting yourself” bully type of situation).
When it comes to wanting to play multiple characters for the sake of variety, that can only be good for the game since it helps preventing players from feeling like the endgame content isnt sufficient (which is common among people playing on single character).
always two there are… one to embody the ilvl and progression and one to crave it and post on forums
Other 60s
other alts at lvl 60 are for appearance farming, they dont take even moderately regular attention and exist for special purposes like old raids, warfronts like queues, new mage tower may be!It’s not problem - it’s way of playing game.
I am also alcoholic and I enjoy that.
You don’t try to focus on each char and gearing.
It’s like pairs of cloth - you try new every day until you get bored and rotate again.
Got all classes cause i like diversity and play most specs in game , but somehow i managed to main only 1 tune every patch .
I did a few runs or a world boss on my alts to but 95% of my time goes to my main .
I do believe in discipline and not the spec .
Gear is king and gearing up all my alts it’s to much of my time that’s extremely off putting for me . This is the main reason .Hope it helps .
Im not an althooholic but i like to have atleast one/ maybe 2 if the game isnt super grindy!
I like diversity:
-heal pve/pvp
- 1 alt to casualy tank
-2nd alt if my friend wants to try a new arena comp.
How do i focus mostly on main?
put urself some targets to achiev( arena rating, mythic plus achievements, finish all raids atleast on normal, rated bgs) i usualy target atleast 2 content types and try to achiev a KSM mythic( kinda new to this and i like it) or atm atleast 1800 in arena)
its important to like ur main classs- nowadays the diversity and individuality of classses its kinda in a bad way- but if u look from anothet perspective u can enjoy ur class/spec for what it is.
Ex: i like disc, the spells aesthetics and the healing role pve/pvp makes me wanna improve.
Set some long targets for ur main, but start with small steps!
Play an alt only after u managed to grow some target on ur main( lets say u have mythic 6 max, this week try to go 9-10 atleast)
Lets say ur 1200 arena- try to go atleast 1350.
After uve seen improvements u may get the motivation to play ur main more.
In the end, its nothing wrong with you my friend!
Hope it helps a bit!
Have a great week!
the question “how do you focus on 1 character” is irrelavent because its either you do or you dont.
its not really a choice, some people are just too lazy to start over and some do it all the time.
some people care about what will happen to their character, others dont and would erase it in a heartbeat.
me personally, i could never remove my character. knowing that my character been all over the world, allow me to proudly say “my character is and has been on a long journey for a very long time.”
you on the otherhand, wont enjoy playing one character. its just not who you are. even if it means it lacks the adventure aspect.
I am the same: I get bored easily and then I try new things. However, I always go back to my hunter and I stay with her to do some stuff or help people, maybe RP a little bit.
I can’t play any other class now than hunter I was a Druid back in WotLK, but I found that Druid is kinda guild dependent, as a hunter you can do whatever you want (as max lvl you can do whatever you want too, but it doesn’t feel the same without pets ) what I’m trying to mumble is - and someone else mentioned too that you will find the one that feels the best. I’m not doing endgames I’m not sweating in mythic ( never been in one due to being afraid to be rejected or ridiculed).
I’m just creating a story for her
Wow, thanks for all the replies. I love how diverse they all are.
I’m thinking I’ll role a druid as they are a baseline rogue, warrior, mage and healer. That way I can flicker between different play styles on 1 character. It might work it might not. I’ll just take it 1 step at a time.
I think I need to find myself a good community, so I get to play with similar minded people and have a solid social structure to help me stay on the path.
I was thinking about making a guild, I even posted a thread about it a few days back but it didn’t seem to get much interest.
Here is the link to the guild post if your interested
What about players who want to try out different classes in high end M+ but then have to do all the same grinds they already done on their mains? I mean, when I make an alt I don’t really do it because I want to farm relics in Korthia one more time.
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