Want to build something great?


I want to form a guild, but not just any guild. With all the negative information being spread about blizzard at the moment I want to bring a positive attitude and encourage what we are all here for, a place to hang out and take a break from reality and unplug from the mundane day to day rut that we call life.

The guild I envision is a place where problems are dealt with in an adult manner and not turned into a flame war. A place where people can log in and express their opinions without fear of being shunned, however, people will be within their right to challenge your opinion as long as its done respectfully and without malice. The idea being you can have a different of opinion about a subject and we can debate the subject and we can disagree but that doesn’t mean I don’t like you or that we can call each other names.

I personally want to focus on doing 5 man content and maybe raiding, I enjoy being out in the world and exploring mostly and seeing new things, being stuck in the same raid for months at a time doesn’t appeal that much to me. This maybe because I have never found a solid group of people to take on the challenge that don’t insult each other due to poor gear or low DPS. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m all for banter and having a laugh with each other as long as its mutual and its done in good spirit.

That being said, I want this to be guild where you feel you wanna try tanking but never done it and need to learn in a safe, non toxic environment where you won’t get booted for making a mistake, instead as a group we will help you learn and develop.
Same goes for DPS metres. While they are a useful tool for benchmarking your progress, too often they are used by people as bragging rights “my DPS is way higher than yours” even though said person stood in the fire the entire fight because they feel they can Ignore mechanics because of their throughput, even though this caused the healer to go OOM and meant other people who were trying to avoid mechanics still died.

With regards to server and faction. I’m happy to re-roll on a fresh server as I think a venture such as this should really be done from the ground up and a fresh server would put everyone on an even playing field. I would prefer to be horde but I’m flexible on the subject.

Anyway if you feel this is a movement you would like to participate in then let me know. FYI I’m not offering officer spots or any special privileges just because you joined early, that will be earned by your attitude and engagement towards the guild and its members, however as a founding member you will have an active roll in the development of the guild and will help mold it.

Feel free to add me Janner#2399

UPDATE: We have made characters on Darkmoon Faire, Horde


Kind regards,


For some reason when i try and put a discord link i get an error saying i cannot post links.

my battle tag is Janner#2399. feel free to add me and ill send you the link to an old discord i have

Would like to join your guild, here is my battletag Scar#22474

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I will add you next time I’m online. I have an old discord we can use in the meantime


Last night the guild was created on Darkmoon Faire, called Kindred. We re-rolled and did a couple dungeons and it was good fun.
We are only a handful of people at the moment, so this would be a really good opportunity for anyone who feels like it is difficult joining a guild where people already know each other.
None of us knows each other yet.
So you, the person who feel like you get lost in a crowd of people in an already established guild, this is your chance. As well as any other lovely people off course!

Add the bnet tag in the first post, or join the discord channel and come join us.


I don’t plan on letting the Guild get massive. I think to start with I am going to stop recruiting at around 10-15 players to allow us time to get to know one another properly and forming the foundation for the guild.

Quality over quantity

This is something I’ve been looking for, for a long time… I’d be honoured to be included. Bringing back how guilds used to feel like and how they should be like. Thank you Wildseed for making this post.


Amazing group of people 5 of us now but its been worth it every day , we can always have a few more likeminded peoples :wink:

Yes, it’s starting to come along nicely. Just need a few more to really get it moving and taking shape

Hey! are you guys still recruiting? I’d love to join if you are

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Yes we are , you can join us true the discord link above :smile:

Not sure if that discord link still works. If it doesn’t let me know and I’ll make a new one

Hey again! Yeah the discord is expired


Try this one it should work :wink:

You feeling a little lonely and out of place?
You find yourself logging in and doing everything on your own?
You in a really active guild where everyone talks a lot and have fun … but you’re not really invited or part of it?

The thing with us is that we are very small, and the point is that nobody should feel invisible. And we will stay small, because everyone matters and nobody should be left out.

Despite us being small, we still have an active guild chat and discord channel, you wont be alone.

Join us!


This is exaclty the type of guild Ive been looking for, how is the dream going

This all sounds great I only wish you were Alliance. Hope it all goes well.

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Why don’t you make an alt and see if you like it?

The alliance version is on Ravencrest, however it is more focused on raiding than on 5 man content xD