How do you imagine Sylvanas would die?

I mean most players. I don’t think many players hate the Forsaken quite so strongly!

I personally have my gripes with how the Forsaken have been implemented, but I always thought of Sylvanas as being just their racial leader, less important to them an Thrall is to the Orcs or Cairne to the Tauren.

I really do.

To answer the question from my own personal perspective: With any luck, she dies after being humiliated and brought to her knees by what is visibly her own incompetence. Kind of like the thing with Saurfang, where he baited her into saying the quiet part loud by reminding her of how she keeps screwing up at every turn, only somehow bigger, and she doesn’t get away this time. Just screams and bawls and then gets executed.

With that out of the way, I know the Forsaken had this whole cult of personality around their Dark Lady, but removing her doesn’t remove them, it liberates them. They’re now leaderless, directionless, and for the first time since the beginning of the game, they have the potential to grow into something new.

If that new thing is a kinder form of themselves, under Lilian Voss, then I welcome that. If it’s a renaissance of faith and goodwill under Calia Menethil, then I would cheer for that. But whatever it is, it can finally be something other than just the standard villains.

Even setting aside what an annoying character she is, prying Sylvanas Windrunner away from the Forsaken is the best thing for them. They won’t like it, but after the growing pains, they’ll be so much better for it.

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