How do you like your TWW Hero Talents so far?

Death Knights, Mages and Shadow Priests seem to be getting some nice stuff, at least from a class fantasy point of view.

As for myself, as a Mistweaver main:


The Master of Harmony talent tree is pretty “meh” when it comes to gameplay mechanics.
Nothing groundbreaking, super innovative or overpowered. I’m mostly looking forward to the second charge of Thunder Focus Tea for some extra power creep, but that’s basically it.

I wish they’d used this opportunity to bring back fun mechanics from the past, such as Mistwalk, the ability to use Life cocoon while stunned, and either to lower the GCD on Soothing Mist or to make it usable while moving like in Legion.

Oh well. I rate it 5/10, not bad, not great either.

What about you? How do you feel about the upcoming changes to your specialization?

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From my limited englisch I do like the fact that Frost/Unholy DK can fight mounted and I do not like the way they implemented Farseer for Shaman. In WarCraft III a Farseer could use Chain Lighning, Farsight, Ancestral Wolves and Earthquake. I and many others so anticipated that Farseer will be the Elemental/Enhancement Hero Talent supporting Ghost Wolves and Chain Lightning while Stormbringer will be the Enhancement/Restoration Hero Talent because Enhancers are using mostly Air and Restoration Shamans using water.
But else not so sure because my english is not good enough to understand it enough to realize how it change my class.

Is your language not supported by wowhead?
If it is, you can check each talent tree there, simply change the language in the settings:

Nope sadly Betas and PTRs are always only english. I need to wait till it get live before I get it in german.

Mostly I find them to be boring af.
I am looking at classes I don’t usually play: monk, warlock, priest, DK. Bar the priest they all have a hero talent build for summoning a random cool celestial/horseman/demon and that interests me.

I will be a dark ranger on this hunter because I can bluff myself into the black arrow being a shadow hunter thing. I have gone off Paladins completely.

druid is uninspired boring and has no cool visuals like the death knights army.
it feels like nothing special. here and there some cool notes with shapeshift shenanigans but thats all

SP’s Voidweaver’s little black hole looks great :smiley:

Visually fantastic, currently a bit degenerate and overly punishing to play. Very weak / bland on the defensive / mobility side of things.

This is all for Voidweaver.

Sentinel is bland and uninspired, not feeling connected to the fantasy of a Night Elf sentinel to any great extent, feeling closer to a Boomkin Hero spec than a Hunter one.

I don’t play the pet specs so Pack Leader is irrelevant to me.

Dark Ranger is a bit better than Sentinel, giving the class a new button to press. Smokescreen is a great talent, giving us some badly needed survivability in M+. But it’s still a bit disappointing compared to what other classes are getting.

As fury main i hate them. Seems like Arms is the spec to play and i cba playing arms its too slow. Prob time to reroll outlaw or something

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Seriously? I found fury as mountain thane the only one worth playing due to the lightning. The other two sound the same and dull “I hit the thing much” oh yay.

For warlock I really love Diabolist, I like Soul Harvester but Hellcaller is underwhelming.

Templar made me play paladin though.

Thunder clap makes me wanna reroll already.

Oracle seems really bad.

Archon hasn’t been released yet.

If Archon sucks, I’m not playing priest.

Why? It’s added stuff. If you enjoy your priest now, you should enjoy it next expansion, even if the new stuff is underwhelming.

I can play classes that are more fun than playing with some scuffed talents.

Looked at the BDK. It doesn’t look too bad, we just have to believe that they can do something similar for everyone, or at least most of them.

It would look better if we would have Raider of the Apocalypse :joy::joy:

My paladin main instead is waiting for the hammer rain :stuck_out_tongue:

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They coudl rly to go all the way and make some rly incredible hero talent like spartan kinda spec for wars “spear and shield” or mid range gun pirate for rogue… Or samuraj assasin with 2h sword ninja style ^^ 100% mele hunter “ranger” with no pet aka Aragorn from lotr… Metamorph warlock… Black dragon tank spec for evokers :slight_smile: 2h ench shaman. Mindflayer priest (buffed mindcontrol spells ish). tree shepherd for druid, imagine army of threes xd or some new bird combat form… Shield-sword dk tank spec, or all spec tank spec like in wotlk I rly miss it ;( holy shock dps paladin. Battle meditation suport monk spec ^^ and soo much more… :slight_smile:

I adored running around on a mount as a DK slaughtering all in my path followed by my Horsemen in Legion.

I’m looking forward to it in TWW