How do you play wow?

I’m kind of in down time atm and need to find a guild for TWW but normally I would do things like raiding with a guild and then M plus either with guildies and/or friends.

Then the rest of the time I do stuff when I feel like it, transmog collecting, toys, pets, mounts, achievements etc.

First time run through questing a new expansion is a solo thing for me. I want to be able to go at my own pace and be immersed in all the new content, have the time to read quest text and not feel rushed because someone else is waiting for me.

Alts I don’t mind levelling with friends, we don’t always quest that much, it’s often just queuing together for dungeons. Occasionally we’ve managed to quest but it’s hard when I’m very methodical in the way I approach clearing quests and the hubs and my gaming BFF in particular is more like one of those meme diagrams of how a woman shops at the mall.

I enjoy playing with friends, but I don’t tend to go on voice comms (like discord) unless I’m doing something with friends. I don’t like just sitting there all doing different things.

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Most of my time spent in wow is social. I usually only log on to do m+ or join a raid. And m+ i do with the same small group of ppl i’ve been playing with since BFA (with some changes cause some ppl quit) and raids i usually do with my guild. We’re on voice together and having a blast. Just the same way i played it back in TBC and wotlk. The rogue in my m+ team i even played with back then aswell.

If i do quests or such, then its a solo game mode for me. I can however still chat in guild chat or just hang out on voice with someone. But i prefer doing questing alone and will decline if some random tries to invite me to party. Mostly cause id like to just be able to go afk if need be.

I would really like more social interactions, but in Retail I have hard time to find any active, chill, friendly guild/community to play with and meet new people. That is the reason why I am playing solo mostly or pug raids. I don’t do M+ because of the anxiety of joining to random groups as I am not very competitive/good player.

But yea, overall I am doing my stuff solo like collecting mounts, mogs, achievements, pets, questing, professions, etc. But honestly, would like to change that I find group of people with similar mindset and goals.

Have you tried any of the chill, friendly communities that are made for learning m+? Im sure someone can link you all of them if you are interested, but here’s the ones i’m in:

Edit: the scared of dungeons one are not very active on discord, more in the ingame community, but u can find the link to join it in the discord.

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Once guilds are no longer server locked I can recommend a few that will accept you with open arms

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If I could play the whole game solo, I would.

I hate other people.

They are all dumb

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It is a hard one to answer. I personally prefer doing most content solo as the game allows it, but I do not shy away from socialising. Helping out someone with a quest while I am flying past is one of those things or staying longer in the dungeon to help people kill optional bosses that are normally skipped is my way of socialising in pugs.

Raids and M+ are the outlets where I socialise with my guildies. Outside of that in pugs I keep things to a minimum not because I do not want to engage convo with them, but merely because I have friends who do not play WoW whom I dedicate time to, so I like to minimize my downtime during my daily tasks as they cannot join me for it in game, only on voice.

I guess I lean more towards the social side.

There are a whole host of communities, join them all and take part when you want to.


Socialising without talking, it’s the best.

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I play solo and with people. I have made a few online friends but most of the time I just randomly talk to them than playing with them because we kinda do different content.
If I can solo something I rather solo, though I don’t mind playing with others even randoms.

I don’t mind people talking in chat unless is in a language I don’t know and they’re making me wait without telling me what’s going on.
I’m all for people talking on their own language but if you will make someone wait you can writing something even with goggle translate in broken English.

  • expansion launch quest campaign (1x)
  • roleplay and targetted collection of cosmetics to feed into roleplay
  • content patch quest campaign if I hear good news about it.

Would’ve skipped 10.1 but the world gear was too cool looking (see collection of cosmetics to feed into roleplay), 10.2 I skipped entirely, pretty sure I don’t even have world quests unlocked there.

On a PC at home?

Or on the Steamdeck for Remix, using a one button macro with GSE addon for my DH. :+1:

First time I saw WoW was back in 2005, I was at a friend’s house for our Sunday evening paper & paper D&D session. He was running around Ratchet as an Orc looking for the Inn so he could log off.
I signed up to WoW that week and so did the rest of the paper & paper RPG group. Then a few other friends joinned the game and our guild. We found some randoms to join our guild and we would do a Sunday evening Dungeon run. Back when a dungeon took hours.

In TBC some of us joined a bigger guild as the friends and family guild had gone quiet. We ran Kara a few times then Wrath hit and we started on Naxx. We didn’t get far and the guild fell apart with only a few of us left.
We lingered doing some dungeons until MOP where we did some Flex raiding. But I came back from holiday one time to find the guild had changed server leaving me behind.
In WoD onward I tried heroic dungeons with randoms but that wasn’t pleasant and I stopped. The Everbloom wall jumping was too toxic.

Since Legion I’ve been in Fail Train and Scared of Dungeons communities for a while but even with these friend helpful people I didn’t like how dungeons were basically running through content with as much speed as possible.

So now I just do open world content alone. Although even this is getting tougher for me I my days in WoW are numbered.

So I’ve gone through social times in the game with RL friends and randoms. Currently basically solo. I’ve changed, the community has changed and the game has changed. My eyesight is getting worse, the community is less tolerant of imperfection and the game is more action focus with speed being rewarded.


Mostly social. Depending what I am doing though, a fair bit of my time in this game also revolves around doing solo activities as well.

With the introduce of Lf tools the game took the path of Solo gaming Aspect.

In 1 year in Open World i haven’t encountered a single Players chatting or interacting while doing Quests or any activity . Other expansion i Would ask for group or anything else if we were going to do quest or even lvling together …Right now don’t bother me.

The other social aspect WoW has is Guilds and rather to say is just for either advanced progress that required a coordinated team to do them or just the Rp that is for specific people.

They already have the Numbers…Believe it or not Delves have been created to keep up the playerbase since Majority of people nowadays prefer the Solo-game mode .

The number don’t Lie .

We have 40% of total Guilds from Wotlk …The funny thing is that those Wotlk guilds were 25-man . Currently there are 20-man and the Raiding guild are 26~% of What Wotlk peak were.

Is an insane Number and people.

We are getting X Cross Server Guilds …faction doesn’t matter since you can play with Hordes and vise versa… Any intelligent person would find that this are bandage to the already problem because of the solo aspect and anti social aspect the game path took.

2012 Wotlk stats . 14 Eu Alliance Servers with 20k+ population .
2012 Wotlk stats 11 Eu Horde Server with 20k+ Population

2024 1 Alliance Server with 20k +pop and 4 at 10k …rest are dead Servers
2024 4 Horse Server with 20k pop and 6 with 10k …rest the same .

Seeing those numbers… you understand that the Solo Aspect is heavy in this Game.

I like being around other people and want to play in a world filled with other players, but I don’t like the kind of social experience provided by instanced group content. I agree that the MMO part of MMORPGs is core part of the game, but, for me, the best kind of MMO play is the casual co-op content we’ve had in stuff like the open-world Alliance v Horde PvP content of BfA, the co-op rare farms of places like Korthia or the Time Rifts in SL.

To be honest, I think the WoW player base suffers from an attachment to a false dichotomy. Social gameplay in an MMORPG does not require structured dungeon / raid / arena co-op content. That’s a WoW / WoW clone tradition, not an MMORPG requirement.

An ever-increasing percentage of the player base just treats others like they are bots or NPCs, sadly.

However, I have found that on an RP server like Argent Dawn the traditional aspects of an MMORPG are still very much present. You do not need to be an avid RP fan to feel at home here, just do not disrupt others RPing. An addon is also recommended to know when someone is out of character, etc. So if you miss that type of experience, you are welcome here.

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I do both, and I like doing both. :slight_smile:
Depends on the day + time!

I think it’s the opposite these days than it used to be.

You used to need a social structure (used to be guilds only) to do high end content (primary raiding but maybe pvp too).
These days you need a social structure (more likely a community these days) to do casual content as the PUG is not casual friendly. You can PUG raids, M+ or PVP and if you’re skilled enough get on quite well. If you’re not well geared, not well skilled or simply new then you won’t thrive in the PUG scene.

Your stats on how many raid guilds there are will be comparing Apples to Oranges given that there are now Communites as well as guilds and the PUG scene really didn’t exist in TBC and expanded slowly over the years to now where probably most raids are cleared by PUGs.

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Solo until necessary.

I do keys with friends (usually 4 for vault) and then raids with community (3 hours once per week) rest of the time im doing my own thing.

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