How do you play?

You’re a youngster - I’m 50 and still antisocial mostly. But I must say if it wasn’t for SoD community, I would have quit this game ages ago

Pretty much all my friends have quit retail WoW due to SL, lol. They were absent for most of BFA as well.

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I agree, I probably wouldn’t play if I didn’t have a group of friends to enjoy the game with. The game is kinda dull if you remove the social experience from it.

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I don’t have the choice. If I was to die tonight it would be Thursday before anyone knew (I am a 50% single parent) . Many people have no one for what ever reason, this forum seems to forget that.

I’d love to have a group of people to push with , I am curve raider, 13-14 M+ runner even in the pug world if I could find a group of people I could Mythic raid and do 15+ I have no doubt, but that is not me and will never be.

We are all different. I’d add I have a sociable job that I excel in (not my judgement, others say so)

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I’m an introvert, but work closely with many staff in my organisation on a daily basis. By the time I get home, I need a break from social stuff. I love that WoW is an mmo, but for me that doesn’t mean teamwork pushing M+ or Raid and chatting with WoW pals, it means casually helping out a lowbie who’s getting mobbed, or playing some casual PvP (I miss BfA warmode so much). Just being in a game where most of the active agents are real people and not NPCs is enough for me most of the time.


Mage main since final patch of warlords. I did try out a few different alts throughout the expansions, but none of them kept me engaged. In Shadowlands, I didn’t even level anything to 60.

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Rings so true to me, I play WoW to escape people not be ‘with them’ That does not mean solo only. I’ll happily group up with randoms for a M+.


This is my main, it’s my self insert that I do 99% of content with, I don’t really see a reason to have multiple characters except to farm mounts.

Whenever I get bored I just race change to Human/Belf/Velf.

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I could barely level up 3 characters from 50 to 60. I wanted to experience all covenant stories and get the mounts and some transmog sets.

I still have to do Korthia campaign on 3rd level 60 and I feel like crying when I think about doing that for the 3rd time. Can’t get to max renown otherwise.

And I need to level up another one to 60 to experience Bastion campaign, but everything feels so slow nowadays idk.

I have an army of around 20 alts stuck at level 50 that will remain covered in dust this expansion probably.

I leveled multiple to 60, actively played mage, hunter, priest in SL. Have also level 50 druid that I intend to tank with at one point when time allows, and a 60 shaman I don’t really like.

I imagine I will level a melee class to have fun around with at one point, but playing it full time I am not sure if I would enjoy.

I always play more than one character. I quickly get bored if I only play one class for a long time. Some classes I really don’t like gameplay wise (paladin - too clunky) or lore wise (druid, too nature-friendly), so I don’t really play them, but all other classes I’ve maxed out, some even more than once (I have two DKs, 3 DHs, 2 mages, 3 hunter, 2 warlocks, 2 priests for example … 18 characters on lvl 60 and 5 of those I play as “main”).

All of my characters have a background story and a different personality; I actually plan on posting some (more) of their storys online soon, but I want to write additional chapters before doing so :wink:)

I do care about progress - mainly on one character since too much stuff sadly isn’t account wide, but since I don’t want to fokus on one character only, it isn’t possible for me to play with a guild group (I tryed that during cata / WoD / MoP, but I always feel restricted because regular groups always want you to keep playing the same character :unamused:) … so I ended up only doing LFR and open world stuff.

I wouldn’t call myself anti-social, but I’ve learned to play by myself as a child and don’t need other people to have fun; it’s the same in WoW - I actually do like to join groups or help other people, but I don’t need them to have fun with my characters; but I do need “real” people around me in the game … I absolutely dislike single player games.

I play one character and one spec. I do have a few alts i dabble with for some low keys , but this is my main and i have mained this char since tbc. I cant really imagine maining anything else or swap my mainspec.

(insert self pleasure joke here) seriously though, i do what i want to do

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Only do raids and m+. The rest of the game i do only for power gains to my characters.

I love class fantasy and themes. So for my DK I do legion content to have mounts, titles, weapons. And same with current covenants. I ll swap venth to get blood dk weapons and so on. I do some pvp and farm maw for venari paragon mount and korthia for upgrades. I wish I had time to do raiding and m+ but man for ordinary working peon this game offers a lot.

I mostly play this character, this DK is my main and I start all expansions and patches on this character only. After I have done most of the things the game has to offer I play one or two alts, usually I gravitate between monk, warlock, rogue or priest; in Shadowlands I have spend more time on my monk compare to other alts.

This character was a story, I sometimes take some pics when I find something interesting or somewhere nice that fits her character.
I used to farm quite a lot of transmog with her, in fact I’m mostly done with Death Knight tier sets even if at the end I use the same transmog.

Other than that, I do M+ on two characters but I only start playing alts when my main has decent score.
This patch I started mythic raiding with guilds and the first character I offer is this one.
I sometimes play with people I meet on my journeys, it’s a thing that happened at the start of Shadowlands; I used to only play with pugs and I still do but at times I do lower keys so I can enjoy my time with people I like.

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One main character (this) that I like to think I know stuff about, i.e. you can ask me questions about my main spec and I don’t need to google the answers. Goes to raids, does M+, whatever weekly grind exists, I’ll be doing it on this character. Multiple legendaries, sometimes multiple for the same spec in different content.

Usually 1-4 alts depending on the expansion/season and whether it is alt-friendly. Currently I have a druid and shaman that are on the verge of being ‘competitive’; they can run 15 keys with the right team, but unless it’s push week, they’ll only do 1 key/week for the vault. Also have a mage at 60 that I enjoy playing, but just don’t have the time to put into it right now and it often doesn’t do any dungeons in a week. Some weeks these characters engage in the weekly grind; but not always. Entirely depends on what’s going on IRL. 2-3 legendaries each, all tier 4.

However my alts are all night fae for the conservatory and strong mission table game. It’s surprising how much fish and meat they bring in between them :joy_cat:

If 9.2 turns out to be more alt-friendly, I’d like to get my hunter (50) and possibly warrior (33) up to level cap. Sitting on a priest and rogue (50), but not currently got any desire to go back to them because I feel like monk+shaman are the most fun healers, and I can’t work out what the rogue would bring that my monk can’t.

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A bit both ways for me. On Retail I have every single class and there were weeks when I did a key with each one.

On Classic it’s more like: a healer main with a banker alt, a mat farmer and also an alchemist alt. That’s four for now, because I have to care about the main :grin:

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I’m 30 and have no life, so I play DH in WoW.
There is no point leveling any alt since I won’t be able to catch up on them until next expansion, so I put all effort and time into DH (which also happens to be the most fun class to play).
And yes it’s venthyr mastery DH just because I can.

I play all of my characters, but usually only when i need to do something that they’re best suited for.

In my mind I have a story for a few of them and like to think of them as a virtual family.