How do you report cheating pet battle player

For the last few weeks, every day I come across the same team of mechanical pandarin dragon, darkmoon zepalin and mechanical frostboar. The team uses the exact same sequence of moves every time and takes half their time before executing them and full time before selecting the next pet. I can tell it is a bot because they do the sequence of moves no matter what.

The team is easy to beat if I have the right pets, but takes ages and occasionally will beat me because of the pets I’m using at the time. Seems to be either lots of different players, or one player using multiple characters.

I’m sick of fighting this team because it takes so long to beat them. Each pet starts off by building a decoy, so you have to destroy that and then you have to wait ages for them to make every move. I want to report them but can’t see any way. Surprised not to see other people complaining about this team because 1 in 5 pet battles is this team. Annoying because I always have to select my pets so that I can beat this team when they come up, rather than choosing the pets I want to fight a real player with.

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Think you can report it detailing the time, composition and any pet names. This would at least get it looked into.
There are some mechanical teams that’s strategy is pretty much a priority of decoy > rebuild > attack.

Gather as much evidence as possible, send a support ticket in.

Hope they get looked into.

I fail to see where there was any kind of cheat?

Is that team combo annoying? yes, it is but a rabbit is good against such combos…

I know from experience that such “people” who make you wait every move are just so terrible at the game (and they know it) that they hope to win by annoying you until you throw the game.

I have come across two suspicious cases - well, possibly others, but two cases where I met the same team several times in a row, which was enough to establish a pattern.

In one case, I believe it was a genuine bot.

In the other, I believe it was not a bot, as Blizzard defines it, but someone using what I consider a legalized botting addon - tdBattlePetScript. I believed this because of small differences in timing.

In either case, it is worth reporting. You can’t possibly sort out the difference with only the information you get from the game.

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