How does a Gnome whisper to a Draenei?

Like how does that physically work? Does the Draenei have to sit down? Does the Gnome sit on the Draenei’s shoulder?


They send a pigeon.
Mechagnomes build and use an elevator on the spot.


With technology.

using a trampoline maybe

Just look up “how to talk to short people” there’s plenty of options.

Remember this line?

“Okay, for mating ritual, we will need four… No, five sheep, one gnome, and Staff of Domination. Put gnome in bag, beat bag with staff, and meet me after gnome is tenderized.”

Don’t forget it, when the next time you try to whisper to one of us… :dagger:


Funny that you mention this. My 3 year old nephew has a habit of whispering gibberish into my ear and telling me “random secrets” We both have the similar height differences to both races you mentioned, We manage ok with the issue!

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When my 3yo wants to whisper me, she loudly proclaims: “Dad, I’ll whisper you something”. Then shouts her message on the top of her lungs, followed by a whispered “Shh, it’s a secret!”.

When her twin brother wants to whisper, he asks his Mom to give him the phone, then fires up the chat, and sends me a couple of emojis. He then waltzes into my room, and looks at me all seriously, like if I understood what he just wrote.

I imagine a gnome can use any of these tactics, and many more, to whisper tall people.


That is so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


MAybe Gnomes are able to throw their voice?
Or have low level telepathy?
Or some technology to do the trick?
From the hyper-advanced droid form to genious fleshlings, both is plausible… :thinking:
They are basically the little greys of Azeroth… :alien:
Or in the case of Prince Erazmin’s bunch, borg-wannabees…

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As a Gnome i use Levitate on one of the plastic cups that’s attatched to a string to hold against their ears and i speak through the other cup


Some of us can also wield axes, and are not afraid to chop some legs to get even height. Just saying.


Get the fock down here goat!

If I were nice I’d sit down or possibly bend down & get my ear as near to the gnome as possible. But I’m not nice so they’ll have to whisper to themselves.

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I thought you were always nice! What a meanie.

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rare footage of a gnome attempting to look up to a draenei.


Small hu-people are not gnomes!

It’s a mutant gnome. it’s lost 150 pounds and has developed good looks. its a win for the mutated gnome apart from the height issue.

with the right attitude :slight_smile:

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Gnomes…? :thinking:
My oppinion about them: