How does Azureweave and Chronocloth cooldown work?

I have maxed out azureweave cloth specialization, and I can craft 30 azureweave, yesterday I made 20, I thought on the daily reset, I would be able to create 30 more.
But I can only make 1!
so, How does the cooldown work?

It’s a daily cooldown but it stacks up to x amount, so if you didn’t log in/craft for 30 days you’d be able to craft 30 azureweave at once, for example. But if you’re doing it daily then it just once per day (approximately, as the CD is affected by specialisation nodes).

Well thats not true, either its still present bug or blizzard failed t oexplain some mehcanic. cause your CD for daily craft very often reset to max like 2 or 3 times a week. Same with alchemy which resets to full 10. Still no idea how it works, but nowday i have timed it with weekly reset and two time a week full 10 transmutes (=20per week) and 30 (60azure and chrono each weekly). Somehow seem to me that is like it was supposed to be ? Dont know blizzard never realy comented in depth about bug that was from start of DF where you could reset your daily CDs infinitely.

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