Which information, from which source? Why does it “seem out of date”? What about the information makes you think that?
Nothing is changed, except ofc we have another expansion, so the level threshholds are changed.
Yes, you can turn Chromie Time on and off at will, just by talking to her. And you can switch from one “Chromie Time” expansion to another the same way as long as you have escaped from “Chromie Jail”.
What is “Chromie Jail”, I hear you ask?
I’m glad you asked that!
When a new account starts Retail, on your first character through, your path is forced. I think this is a Bad Thing, but I’m not a dev.
As a “new player” (even if you played from Vanilla to Mists on a different account, or from Classic to Cata Classic), you MUST go to Exile’s Reach (which I call “Cardboard Island”) for your tutorial, which will get you to level 10 without ever giving you a clue what your race is about, or your place in the world.
Once you get to level 10, you MUST then go to the designated expansion - currently Dragonflight - to level to the current expansion start. (This isn’t exactly true - rat runs are possible, sorta. Ask if interested.)
When you reach the current expansion start level - currently 70, or 69 or 68 from some reports - your account is free from Chromie Jail, and future alts can choose their starting zone and expansions.
Yes, you will be kicked out of Chromie Time at 70 - or 69 or 68. You can not choose to stay in Chromie Time after that
Yes, at 70 you can go anywhere and do any quests, even though most mobs will die of fright just by seeing the awesomeness of a Level 70.
My recommendation is to make a different alt for each expansion. Levelling is incredibly fast now. 5 hours is possible, though you won’t do that. One race can do it in one or two hours by using their Racial.