How does inspiration work

I have currently maxed out knowledge points in crafting shields and at 75/100 skill level in BS and with some good tools i am sitting at 23% inspiration while others have up to 42%. I hear some people talking about having “maxed out inspiration tree” which i dont understand. How do you gain more of this stat?

Invest 30 points into Hammer Control. That is a must for Blacksmithing and gives you Extra skill points.

Then another 30 points into Poignant Plans, this is the Inspiration Tree.

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First, max out inspiration, it’s in hammer control tree.
Second, thare are other talents in different trees that increase inspiration, however some increase inspiration only for specific crafts.

Then there are 3 different working equipment, two of which grant you inspiration. You want the high quality one (rare) of rank 5.
For the tool, there is an even higher quality for BS, an epic hammer. You can use missive of inspiration, on max rank that epic hammer alone will give you like 14% of extra inspiration.
Then, you can also enchant that hammer with another 4% inspiration.
With all things combined you’öö get pretty high value. I think you can also pop an incense that will temporary grant you even more, I use that thing for alchemy but I don’t know whether it works for BS.


It works for all crafting professions.

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