How does level 70 boost work in tWW?

It’s not entirely clear to me how the level 70 boost works in tWW.
Is it so that I can boost just one character to level 70? Then what should its level height be or does it not matter?

The boost that comes with the expansion just takes an existing or new character, if existing wipes the quests and action bars I’m pretty sure and it also sends your current inventory to the mail. Throws in level appropriate gear that is almost OK to play with, next patch it’ll be outdated but you still have 424 as a starter gear rather than the 300s you’d be wearing leveling normally with.

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To add to Alýsea’s post, you can only use it once and deleting the toon won’t refund you boost. You cannot refund this consumable product, in the event that it is refunded somehow it will lock the toon until you purchase a new boost and then it will apply to the locked toon first.

If you want another boost you usually can buy another seperate boost token for each new toon you want to get boosted.

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