Any noticeable difference in pve or pvp? Or trouble getting groups due to other tanks being buffed?
From a healer point of view, I did not notice any change when healing VDHs at the 15-17 range. I did notice it became easier to heal any other tank, though.
still dies in seconds at havoc in pvp
Seeing other tank classes have an easier time of their lives in high keys makes my tank-loving heart flutter.
On the same hand, for VDH’s? Literally nothing. There’s nothing i’ve experienced that is new and i’m struggling with at all. Same-old, same-old of dipping in and out in M+. Not sure for raiding yet, however!
Vdh still the best tank.
The physical damage reduce buff is great. Since 90% of an dungeon is physical dmg. We don’t have problems with magic dmg taken.
So, VDH still in No1 spot
Since you play with mage/Druid combo in high keys, our 5% magic debuff is unavoidable
Not noticed any difference tanking.
The magic change had nothing to do with how and why VDH was top tank in m+.
Outside of a couple of dangerous magic mobs it shouldnt be any different.
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