How Draenei Lore could have developed/How I as Draenei fan found a solution how a kind of draenei as allied race for horde would work

The Vindicaar wasn’t exactly large, you know. They could’ve brought only so many fuel Crystals if they wanted to bring an army, too.

your taking the ingame model as the actual size of the vessel never do that stormwind and org are huge in lore the vindicaar is most likely way bigger then represented in the game

I don’t take ingame sizes at face value, no. But the Vindicaar is still not a huge vessel comparable to the Exodar or the Xenedar. It still has a fairly small capacity.

i would argue that it would be poor planning not to pack any additional fuel though because you never know what the demons might have done it argus what if you got there and there was nothing left just a demonic wasteland

They probably did pack additional fuel, though. But don’t forget they went to Argus in the expectation that they’d join the Army of the Light there and fight together with them, rather than having to save them. They probably planned on moving on the Xenedar rather than staying on the Vindicaar (which was first and foremost a cargo vessel).

So, I see a lot about Argus, space ships, and energy crystals. Let’s assume the point of time when draenei landed on Draenor. Wouldn’t it lorewise make sense, mentioning the first post, that when coming in intense contact with the elements, some of the draenei just lose contact with the light/tend to affiliate themselves more to some orc clans than with their light brethren? I mean, let’s think back to the mag’har recruitment scenario. We have orcs fighting with light aside draenei. Shouldn’t it be more than logical then, that it could be the other way round with orcs recruiting draenei to fight with them, using shamanism?

No, because shamanism was never draenei thing to begin with. They were always down to power wheter it was arcane, light or fel. IT was never defining their culture in any way. It was a coincidence that happened to one guy who was forsaken by the light and he thought it to other broken guys.

the playable draenei were always about light and naaru.They wouldn’t redefinie their entire culture because one guy learned how to speak to elements. Especially when they have to ask elements to aid them instead draw power as they please.

Seems reasonable. In my play of thoughts from above, I was thinking about this one part of the draenei giving up light in favor of other magic and/or shamanism. So my option b, fully embracing magic, looks viable still?^^ And if we spin this thread a little further, these magic draenei could side with some orc clans more than with their naaru worshipping kin?

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