Hordes alts was easy travel.
But, I noticed alliance took long travel as dont have portal close in Eastern Plaguelands. Want fast do my alt alliances
Which idea?
Hordes alts was easy travel.
But, I noticed alliance took long travel as dont have portal close in Eastern Plaguelands. Want fast do my alt alliances
Which idea?
Take portal to Arathi Highlands from Boralus near Warfront Table, it is quick fly from there
As several point out here there are options…
I just auto-flew from Stormwind while watching youtube videos on my other monitor :3
Druids can port right around the corner, in case you have some.
Pet battle startholme portal. If you have that.
SW portal to Shattrath, Quel’danas, then fly could be another option.
Take portal to Twilight Highlands and fly.
Been using this myself.
Stratholme pet battle dungeon completion is needed to unlock it. One of the easiest ones but it’s rather late in the quest chain.
Once you have it you can talk to manapoof to teleport.
Manapoof is in Dazar’alor and Boralus. Or the easier location to get to is Dalaran (Legion) the pet shop, it’s the little arcane elemental
I did this on the PTR many months ago.
Take the portal in Stormwind to Shattrath, then take the Portal to Quel’danas. Use the flight all the way to the Eastern plaguelands. Grab some drink or food while the flight is taking you there. Shouldn’t be too long.
This is a lot faster too.
Ancient portal: Dalaran
twilight highlands also works
mind we cant fly from Quel’Danas! naaru stuff ain’t let ya invade silvermoon from shat eh..
I started flying on my Mage yesterday forgetting I had this, so I used the taxi stop option and then ported … I was already halfway there lol.
A lot of people don’t seem to know that there’s a NPC in Legion Dalaran that teleports you to the stratholme entrance (which is in Eastern plaguelands).
If I remember they removed portals from Legion Dalaran, since OG and SW new portals
This isn’t a portal. I’m aware that the portals were removed. It’s an NPC you can talk to that teleports you to the pet battle dungeons. It’s a gnome in the pet shop.
no self-respecting troll forgets it, ever ;)
Oh I never forget it when I need to troll… I just forget it when it’s actually useful!
I have to admit that this character is the 1st Alliance character to do the line, having done it a number of times on my Hordies, and yes it does seem as though the Horde have it a bit easier lol.
/waits for obligatory ‘horde bias’ posts.
aye it wont be long before you know who!