How hard can it be?

Now i have tried for 4 hours to get the launcher to update, and from the comments i am not he only one. So why cant blizz fix it or tell me what to do. Atleast comment and explain what is going on. That would be the decent thing to do. i have played since the beginning but had a break and came back. hoping for a happy reunion, but i can not say this was a good start. So i guess it is back to the account settings and press cancel sunscripton again. i do not need this disturbence in my harmony.

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I wish they would just add a direct download link for the patch and done … like if it does nto work make it manually. I am stuck on the update for 2 days … I already gave up. Funny on my windows 7 old PC it updated immediately so it must be something related to win10 and the stupid launcher… Why is this the only game that has problems is beyond my understanding this goes on for years already. Every other game figured it out but Blizzard has some problem with it and … it´s one of the big ones. Some free games like CNCnet or BAR online they have it working with like a hundred players … a game with 100million players can´t make a solid updater … I am confused ??

They used to do that at one time. But as their userbase grew and grew, they shifted to a torrent downloader system, as they could not possibly have enough bandwidth for all the people wanting to download it otherwise.

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