Like comon 2024 and we still getting attacked
I’ve yet to experience this. What faction & are you doin anything specific when it happens?
I play ally and havn’t been attacked in moonglade or in Dk area.
it’s random, and it’s not only moonglade or acherus - try leveling an alt and join rdf from inside gadgetzan
It can even trigger when teleporting to Hyjal lol, the guards there just turbo-ganked me on the loading screen when I took portal there from Org.
You both are horde, so looks like a horde issue ngl.
Weird they really really slowed down on patching the game. Unless there a mega patch incoming.
Not seen it or experienced it as an ally
Im ally not horde and hyjal killed me and DK death gate
Had it happen on my DK on alliance after a bg, took a port to hyjal after and then killed by guards
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