How have you enjoyed your Earthen? Will you play it long-term?

If you’ve bothered leveling up an earthen and gotten the feel for it? what do you think? are you enjoying the look, size and feel?

I just leveled one up to about the mid 70’s, so far, and well…it feels and looks like a dwarf. Other than the voice commands, I wouldn’t really notice it. I haven’t eaten any gems yet but I know they’re going to add a gem food vendor, that’s very inexpensive, so I might try that soon.

I have played a dwarf before, not much though and I thought dark iron dwarf, with their charred skin tone and a molten gelled hair. In the end though, they end up feeling a bit too small and stumpy for me, like a tree stump with legs. Which is a shame, as I really do like dwarfs in Warhammer.

I didn’t create one because I have zero interest in playing a dwarf. It’s one of the least exciting Allied Races for me.


I’m pretty happy with my earthen. Looks really good in certain sets, like a walking block of metal spikes (Arathi warfront set) or just pure volcanic stone (Vault of the Incarnates set) and it’s exactly what I wanted. I’ve been wanting a protection paladin and it’s a perfect fit.

Can’t stand dwarfs and Earthen has to be the worst allied race they released.


They should have added a new race and not another copy & paste.

I doubt that I will ever make one. I’m an elf and human kind of guy. If I’m to play something different it’d have to be along the lines of ethereals or naga.

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I just like they don’t have that fake, jarring mockery of a Scottish accent… I actually looked up the sound files to mute Brann. He’s the worst of them all.

Keep ya feet on da graund!

I love the race. I really do but, the moment I wear less ‘revealing’ tmog it makes the Earthen look just like any other dwarf as it hides the body gems and cool hair.

The only saving grace is the beard for the female, that is unique and not something a tmog will cover but since you see your character from behind 99% of the time…yeah. Just yet another dwarf race without any distinguishing feature which is disappointing :frowning:

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have lvl’d one up to lvl 78 atm and i like him, made him a melee hunter as i think the Earthen given there racial make them very good for any melee race/spec.

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Nah I’m never been into dwarves, I’m not going to create one

For sure they’re the worst of the 3 available dwarven races
I leveled up one, but i won’t be playing it

On top of their mediocre racials, their footsteps are too loud !

Same. And if I did, I’d play an OG Dwarf, or maybe a DarK Iron one. But these Earthen ones look stupid and I won’t even bother unlocking them.

Lvld one up, it’s a fairly nice race with satisfying animations and customization, really love their /dance but sadly the racials are not very good

I’m enjoying mine fine. It’s not my new main or anything, but I’m glad I unlocked and leveled her regardless. Dwarves generally don’t appeal to me, but the gemstone-and-rock vibes go pretty hard (heh).

I’d rather play a dark iron or a regular dwarf lady. Not into the rocky aesthetic.

They have some unique details making them really cool though. I can appreciate the effort

Doubt i will play as earthen much after the hype dies down.

  • Its nice to be able to play as a dwarf on horde & the fact that the earthen tower over regular dwarfs is kinda funny to me.

  • On death earthen leave behind a pile of rubble instead of a skeleton, which in my oppinion is super cool yet minor addition.

  • The dance animation looks good.

  • Emotes like /sleep comes with yawns & other voice clips that seem to play as long as you use the emote.

  • Character voice sounds super boring.

I’m currently waiting for Dracthyr to get more classes so im chilling with other games until the new patch drops and im excited for it :smiley:

I will probably never play one. I have many races in wow i still dont have.

I reached level 70 with Stoneheed, my fury warrior last night and that’s probably as far as I’ll take him. Apart from the dance, which I do really like, he just felt like a regular dwarf. I prefer tattoos over gems, and I’m not overly keen on the earthen voices; I find them too calm and emotionless (which is fitting for them). Although I did find the switch from calm, almost robotic voice to lots of gutteral grunting in combat quite funny.