How I feel when I play Arms Warrior in 2s

Defensive Stance now gives 10% Damage Taken Reduction / 20% Damage Given Decrease.

In which world this makes sense, which class have such stupid damage mitigation talent? When we turn on Defensive Stance we run around as if we have rez sickness

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It doesn’t matter what you have now. Karanze and Eilein are talking about BEFORE these changes, when Arms Warrior was very overtuned, so much so that everyone on high rating was complaining about it, and high rated Warrior mains were joking about it too.


If you’re losing to Arms Warriors in 2s atm you’re playing very very very very wrong.

They are but they also aren’t.

Orc is still the most broken race to play in PvP, as is Night Elf. Default shorter CC or projectile dodging with shadowmeld.

My friend tell me that as well but in this xpac you almost die in less than 2 sec so even being orc doesn’t change that much Imo but could be wrong.

I think it was less broken than this oneshot Rogue you play, 2:38 for example. Literally 25k Dps. There are alot of clowns trying to kill me like that around 2.3 mmr nowadays, perhaps they are your followers I don’t know.

Carnage in the arena uWu

Imagine dying with trinket, FD pre Craven nerf, Roar of Sacrifice, Ray of Hope, in an unlosable match-up, and then being like “woah this is so broken”.

Yeah, next time press a defensive.

You call people clowns, but your peak is as 2227 ? Interesting.

In any case, thanks for the ad. Much love, xoxo.

They just can’t foresee how much damage they’ll take in 2 seconds which is 90k or perhaps they are boomers with dead reflexes, it is a hunter player after all, hunters are made for people with less skills and dead reflexes, especially BM hunter.

This is not even my final form, I came back 2 weeks ago or something. Was farming gear till last week and another problem I had no healer which is a problem dealt with, I have wonderful one right now. Played with a lot of noob lfg healers or so called good players with trash mentality and lack of ability to communicate properly, eventually I’ve found one with similar mindset and skill level, we are both having fun during matches. Also I have been adapting to meta.

So yes, this is not even my final form.

Don’t try to rating shame me, it is not a concern and easily accessible thing for me.

Related to the advertisement part, I am fully aware of what I do. I don’t even google search about things I hate so that it won’t count as engagement on google trends, so I brought that link here knowingly, you are welcome Sepsisgodx.

And so the fault is on them.

Check PvP indicates that your final form isn’t something that would amaze many, so again, maybe don’t call people clowns until you can safely say you are not one yourself.

I wish you cool games and steady improvement nonetheless.

For the records I have one other Rogue on the same MMR, one higher and one 100 lower, and all three are Necro. Only the main I have Fae fun with, I can hardly be called Sepsisgodx.

It is quite a mystery to me that people still do not understand how Night Fae Assa is not the best version of Assa.

I am an average 2v2 enjoyer without much passion beyond 2.4, tried to play 3v3 on my alt DH last season and made it to like 2.2 in a short time but constantly looking for healers as 3rd was not something enjoyable, there wasn’t crossfaction so we couldn’t invite a Zug restoshaman to our Boomy-DH comp and I would rather amaze myself with real life accomplishments rather than amaze random people on internet with my checkPvP :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you.

Night Fae Assa is the best version of Assa to hunt boomers with dead reflexes

But you still allow yourself to call others names.

That is not nice.

No, it is nice, clown is a cute umbrella term for people who seek easy wins with cheese tactics, including dampeners, who run around pillars to win, they are also clowns.

Yeah and so are dhs and warriors! Good we are open with such things :slight_smile:

What is the point of that comment man?

Someone needs to speak the truth

I am glad you admit it then :slight_smile:

No, the truth doesn’t include warriors and dh.

I hope you know that certain Warriors who have been playing for a loooong time currently refuse to log on and play Warrior because of how dumb fury is btw. This also applied last season because of how broken arms was that it was just boring for them to play.

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This just indicates warrior streamers are not sneaky and unnecessarily honest. I have never seen a rogue or mage streamer claiming that they need a nerf because their classes are too good.

It doesn’t prove anything else, just naive Warrior players, nothing else.

Then you should spend more time watching some with eyes open, ears cleaned up and bias taken out of your warrior brain.

It is actually unbelievably sad and terrifying that there are people who truly believe that IRL characteristics such as honesty are defined and can be judged by the class you like most in a MMORPG.

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