First of all I want to clarify that I am not a professional artist (far from it, I am a simple web developer) so I apologize for the many errors that my sketches have.
They were made a while ago, with pencil and paper.
I remember a few years ago, a report to Samwise Didier at a Blizzcon, where he commented the idea of a dragon race.
At that time I thought about what this would be like, and the idea made me very excited. I started to make some sketches and think about the class and specializations.
I understand that what we saw yesterday was the design of a caster class, and not a warrior. But I was a little disappointed to see this kind of lizard-man that the Drac’thyr are.
I understand that it is a work in progress and that there will surely be pleasant surprises with the cutomization.
Anyway, I decided to find some sketches I made more than two years ago and share it with you.
The idea that the race was also a class was already clear to me then.
And that each flight would have 1 or 2 specializations.
Red and Azure Flight: DPS/Tank
Emerald and Bronze: Caster/haler
Here goes the sketchs. What do you guys think? Is it more like what you were expecting?
** cant add hiperlinks or images**