How i overcame my tanking anxiety

That’s the wrong mindset. You don’t need to “keep up” with them. You just need to be “good enough” in general.
This is why i am scared of tanking. You only need to look at the (2nd try, missted out recording the 1st) of the first pull and see how often a bar is not purple. For every key i need to grab my courage together. It is almost not playable.

Obviously i am open for suggestions.

Sadly I do :rofl::rofl::rofl: can’t remember the names of my colleagues but I remember the players I’ve done something with :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: and the dungeons I did with them. They don’t remember me ofc lol.

I wouldn’t say that caring about not being the one to deplete someone else’s key is being ‘soft’.

And more willing to learn…

I kinda stopped bothering with tanking when m+ became a thing in legion. If you enter a m+ as a tank you basicly are the mommy of the group. You have to constantly look after a bunch of kids wich seem to share a single braincell.

You are expected to know the exact route so you can guide people there wich dont know the way.
You are expected to do all the marking and explaining of tactics.
And when people mess up its either your fault or the healers fault.

The m+ in max mentality just killed the fun of tanking for me. I dont want to have to study to play a game,especially when the group wich expects me to know everything like that generally doesnt know stuff themselves or just ignore it

If you want to start a new role, just prepare yourself with guides and then turn off chat.



I just played a dungeon as a tank where people were running away from me screaming at me to get aggro.

Bro, run to me and I’ll get aggro automatically. I’m not gonna chase you across the instance just because you think it’s better to run away from me instead of into my consecrate and blessed hammer radius. Same deal with guardian druids - if you don’t get into the thrash/swipe radius then you’ve got yourself to blame. Don’t run away from the tank, run to the tank.


i know right? this kind of thing is tiring on its own. I used to love to tank. But if a time limit andd affixes get thrown on top of having to babysit these type of people then ill just wont tank anymore

I thought that’d be common knowledge by now, I’m surprised. I quite enjoy the procedure myself, mob on me, run to the tank and deliver a tasty snack. Here, all yours to play with! Feels most satisfying with bears.

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