How i would fix pvp system


There needs to be activity profit counter, so that afkers and bots could not progress here.

This could be counted from time in the match;

The minutes played, capped flag or killing enemies, or healing friendly players to full.
Mainly tanks should be the flag cappers.

Time played x you afking gets you nothing, cause 1 x 0 = 0 right ?

1 x 0 = 0 (afkers and bots and poor effort players)
1 x 1 = 1 (simple kills or heals)
1 x 2 = 2 (flag or cart cappings, you need to be in the zone)
1 x 3 = 3 (stay to the end)

Time and effort to the max should be the thing that gives you honor, no matter if is victory or defeat.

You could get extra random rewards from VICTORY, throu the whole game collection, every item included.
You could tap it as gold, item, or mounts, also conduits or what ever we may have in the future.

This could bring in the old veteran players back, for shot of certain lost or impossible to grind solo items.

Defeat is just defeat, you gain skill and honor.

There also needs to be ITEM LEVEL FILTER, no point setting up groups that has 210 against 250, its just slaughter moment.

Also Blizz needs to balance the roles; its just not fair other team has 5 tanks and other has none, slots needs to be filled simultaneously in order to enter.

You can swap into damage quite easily, if the other side has none to be found.
Lets face it there are always damagers to be found.

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