How important are weapon racials?

Im planning on playing a dwarf ret paladin in season of discovery, but dont want to fall too much behind human rets. Will there be a huge different in dmg?

Would been so much better if no race had a weapon specialization racial…

Its enough to make a difference but they get some crit and hit from it witch is very nice, but just play what you like, dont need to min max…

Dwarf is much better in pvp. In pve who cares if you are not in world 1st raid guild unless dps meter hurts your ego

SoD team lead already commented on this and in subsequent phases there will be weaponskill added through items to cover the race weaponskill difference.

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Nice, where can I read more about it? Will humans get any new race to compensate for the loss or nah?

Check Aggrend comment:

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As a ret-paladin weaponskill will be slightly less valuable than it is for pure physical damage dealers AND they have sent out assurances that the developers “would not worry about weaponskill” during character creation.

I am Dwarf rogue main and will be again. I MIGHT try swords later on but currently I am really excited about the Backstab glyph so currently leaning towards another combat dagger build, atleast at the outset.

You, do you. My 5cents.

If you pick a human, you will regret it the whole game. Every time you look at him, you will tell yourself that next time you will surely pick a dwarf instead, but maybe next time will never come. Just pick what you like, no matter what. This is the only way to fully enjoy the game.

Unironically the story of my life. Any time i’ve made a human character i’ve always ended up regretting it.

But with changes to leveling brought be the DF pre patch. I decided to finally try leveling up a few new character. Two of those were a Dwarf Paladin and a DI Dwarf Shaman. Both of which are now my main Alliance characters.

I think they are atleast going to make priests beeing able to find some special artifacts/shrines or something that would allow them to switch out their special ability for that of another race, like desperate prayer/fear ward and stuff. And while I can’t remember where, I did hear some talk about being able to do quests to get those weaponskills. I don’t think they was thinking og switching racials, but adding either quests or new weapons with weaponskill. Nothing of this is confirmed and will probably not be in the first phase. But I think that is something they are at least considering.

Different priest racial spells are one of the coolest things in vanilla. Homogenizing everything just because someone wants to min/max, 20-year-old easy game is not a good way to go.

I prefer this change to being forced to pick a certain race for that niche ability and not being able to use any of the others.

Devouring Plague was insane for shadowpriest, Fearward super strong for raiding and Desperate Prayer a very very good “oh-**** button”.

I can’t imagine any priest main being upset over this change, if it upsets them ,there is no need for them to ever change the racial.

You are not forced to do anything. If you feel forced, it is just your problem in your head. You can use the same argument for all racial ability. Are you forced to pick tauren because of stun? No. You just want to delete another rpg element from the game and make all your choices cosmetic. Why can’t every race change their racial ability to whatever they want? Because it would lose any meaning what race I would pick. It would be just cosmetic choices.

This only proves how clueless you are… This attitude makes me mad, this is why wow evolved to ****
Different priest racial spells are one of the coolest things in vanilla, and they even add some replay value. You will play differently with different races next time. It puts meaning on your choice, something any good RPG should have.

And with cosmetic choise everyone will be Humans/Night Elves/BloodHigh Elves I suppose.

Ehw, what a horrible taste, or was it irony?

F to troll priests

I have almost no BE characters on the Horde exept paladin. Most of them are Trolls and some are Forsaken with Tauren hunter on HC.

Alliance is mostly Draenai, NE and humans with a dwarven priest and second paladin also being dwarf.

So you can say I dislike Orcs and Gnomes.

You are conflating racials with classracials, which priest is the only one to possess.
Nobody is trying to swap bloodrage for warstomp, it’s about alliance exclusive vs horde exclusive.

Humans still have 5% bonus spirit, nightelf still have shadowmeld, trolls got berserking and undead got will of the forsaken, regardless of what class they play.

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