How is DH in PvP?

Mainly looking at vengeance for RBGS, but also havoc for 2s and RBGS

It’s very good, the damage is great, and so is the utility. As havoc your survivabilty might not be top notch but thats where your mobility comes in, which is the best in the game, letting you kite away from people’s CDs. If you sit there and try to facetank ret’s wings or moonkin’s convoke you will die. if you use your advantages you will have a great time!

Ah, so if I am to play Havoc it is more like kite and not facetank stuff ?

Havoc with The hunt is decent, you can play with ret pala to maximaze crazy oneshot burst and get easy free 2,1k no effort for your 226 gear :).I played with dh on my main ret and it works.

Sounds nice…

Ven is great for rbgs. As for havoc you cannot facetank an arms warrior or a ww monks regular rotation. You have to kite constantly and have very little survivability. There is a reason demon hunter is the least represented class in rated 2v2 and 3v3. Its really really bad.


Also this shaman is a player who is obsessed with commenting on every single dh forum post saying its fine when it is quite clearly in a very bad state. He has 0 pvp experience(he is 1750 max achievement).


Lol what? You clearly haven’t been following the game recently


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