How is easier increase CR in SS ? As a healer or DPS?

What do you think about ?

Obviously dps. This has been discussed several times.

Healers just get a “F You!” from blizz.

Just go play dps

But as healers I can play faster and is hard to lose more than 3 games on 6.
As DPS if you find a bad healer you will lose 3 on 6 or more

Try and see for yourself

You’re up for a rude awakening

You get faster ques but the MMR difference can be bigger since they made it so healers can face eachother with a bigger gap between them.
While DPS should be facing the same MMR as the other dps currently are on.

So while you do get faster ques as a healer, it doesnt rly tell you that healers are easier to climb with. Dps should be easier to climb even with a longer quetime, but that also depends on your own skill ofc.

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Don’t bother as healer. You’ll end up taking medication, going to grp therapy, get depression or smt like that. Only chance to not end up like that is if you just trash talk to every garbage you meet for 3 rounds in your team b4 he leave giving you a 0-3 with no chance to at least get a 3-3 against him in order to not accumulate the cancer inside you, which will lead to an account ban cause the said garbos tend to be a bit snowflakes that get offended even with “get good” or “l2p”.


It took me less than 10 shuffles to get the elite set on my retri paladin last season, which was the goal. It took a lot more than that on a healer. If I could be bothered with the queues I’d probably have hit duelist on it in like 30-40 shuffles played or something, maybe a bit less or more depending on matchups, as healer it was closer to 100 shuffles.

I had a 3-3 game vs a resto druid earlier. He was just 7 mmr below me, I lost mmr when the retri paladin goes 6-0.

Why do I even lose mmr with such small mmr difference between me and the other healer when it’s obviously a DPS difference and the paladin is outshining every other DPS?

Such a dumb system.

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i have no clue about healer and i did 1.8 in 4 solo shuffles, took me 1 hour
so def as healer, u can carry ur dds

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