How is enhancement shaman in TBC PvP?

Hi, I plan to play mainly PvP in TBC. I’ve been playing a rogue since 2006 so I’m gonna stick to it. Anyway, I’m considering to boost 1 char to 58 and play it just for fun.
I was thinking about enha shaman. I’ve seen all the videos with TBC PvP tier lists (skillcapped included). People mostly say that enha is about C tier. On the other hand, I watched some war/enh/healer 3s and it looked pretty strong.

What’s your opinion about enha in TBC PvP? I don’t want to waste the boost on smth completely useless.

Enhancement is indeed not amazing. But War/enh/druid is a very very viable and top tier comp with ALOT of pressure.

The reason as to why that is, is because they’re very vulnerable to cc, and an RMP comp will destroy you if you’re not playing warr/enh/druid.

The thing is, it’s also pretty much the only real viable comp for enhancement. I’m playing enhancement and i’ve already accepted that my comp is pretty much only going to be war/enh/druid if I want to push for high rating.

Either way, Enhancement in BG’s is alot of fun. One shotting clothies is the most satisfying thing in the world :smiley:

Thanks for the input. Have you found ANY TBC enha PvP guides? Especially about preBiS PvP gearing and BiS gearing? I couldn’t find anything.

I haven’t found anything no haha. The only thing that’s importent to know is that you need to have 2 weapons with the same speed. This is because if both your weapons attack at the same time your Flurry (attack speed increase) basically counts as 4 stacks. Since it’s consumes 2 on the first double hit. Then it consumes 1 on the second double hit. That’s the most importent little thing you need to know as an enhancement shaman.

I’ve actually seen few enha shamans playing with Gorehowl :smiley: I thought it could be more fun.

Sure! In PvP it’s actually handy to sometimes have a 2 handed weapon with you. I will definetly have one if I have the chance to get one. There’s scenarios where you can only get a hit every once in a while (i.e getting kited by a mage or warlock) and getting that one HUGE windfury proc hit in can easily win you an arena.

Though for PvE you’re basically just trolling XD It doesn’t compare DPS wise to using 2 one handers like at all.

Skillcap rate enha in TOP 3 pvp meeles soo…

It still suffers from the same problems it suffered from in Classic - small mana pool, easily kiteable and unable to dispel magic so you’ll spend most games in CC, in roots or slowed. You can of course still do well with the right team but it would take far more effort than on your rogue.

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