How is shadow priest doing?

I think the better solution is to just reduce the cd of shadow crash by 1.5s~2s per target that gotten vampiric touch applied/refreshed by shadow crash. This keeps in line with the whole setup idea and once you go you can keep going. 12s~16s per shadow crash meaning that if the pull is big you’re benefiting from more targets, and hopefully also ensures that you’re not getting gimped too hard by missing a shot if you don’t hit all of them.

I just wont ONE mobility spell
Anythink that moves your char and pls not a sprint

If not shadow should be allowed like devestation with hover too cast and move
Pws give a sprint and let you cast for 10 sec while moving

The mobility cap is a joke

And our burst cooldown should not be a hardcast its 2024 not 2014

Remove void torrent make mindflay and mindspike empowerd have the version of it and then make so you can run and cast it and have the momvement speed buff from it.