Can you guyz say how is this realm? Is decent populated? Enough hordes and alliance? Don’t want to spend 8 hours in que on Gehenas:) thx
mate is currently sitting in 6k queue on razorgore
Yeah, 6-7k queue on Razorgore. Medium population, apparently. ^,^
Oh God… even if we go on low population realm, in half day will be full
Well, Gehennas got 10 hours of queuetime…
Are the queues currently 2 hours? Oh dear, I can imagine it being a lot worse after work.
The queue is pretty big here too
Can’t say how the balance is, but I have had a good time. Lots of Horde around and people are grouping up and talking! I’ve been healed when dieing, I’ve healed others when they were struggling and people are throwing buffs around left, right and centre.
Hope it keeps up, no complaints so far.
My guild switched here from Gehennas. I’m sitting at 4k, been queuing for 2 hours. Hopefully will be in soon to join my mates
It’s pretty good currently if you are still interested. There were 2-3h queus in the first couple of days but I didn’t have a queue higher the 15 min since yesterday.
There is a 3k player queue at the moment (aprox. 50 minute wait time). Realm date and time: 5th of September 2019, 21:00 server time. Hope this helps.
There are always players doing quests, you find groups easily. I personally love it.
Thx for reply guys, i am already here happy lvl 25 paladin. Love this realm