How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

This is why the indie market as risen up and is very successful. I also have a finance digree and I’m working as an accountent for 9 years, so I have a grasp of market shares. There is one big issue with looking at it as collective data. Mobile gaming exploded in the past 5 years, while PC gaming has seen steady growth. While both industires fly under the banner of gaming, they totally diferent and should be treated as such. PC gaming is not making a comback, because it never took a dive. Maybe we are seing one right now, but for the past 20 years it is steadily growing.

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It is very hard to justify making a game only for the PC, it is much easier to justify making one that fits both PC and console. Take Skyrim for instance, much more enjoyable on PC due to control over the game-console, however it still sold millions on console platforms.

That is completely fine since consoles are pretty much a overpriced pc’s with bad components and software. The only mention worthy consoles are from nintendo since they actually bring in something innovative. I really don’t mind if games are made to all 4 platforms just make sure the fps isn’t capped at 30 for pc version.

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Skyrim is not a good example, because Bethesda don’t like PC due to the modding community, since they want to sell mods themselves. Witcher 3 is a great example. It was perfectly ported to console, it is one of the best SP games of all times and it made a lot more money from PC sales than console ones. The PC community is hungry, because the AAA publishers were starving them for a long while.

That’s correct. You don’t either.

You wanted a source OP, here it is directly from WoW lead designer :

" LFR justifies the creation of more raid content when millions of players are able to see content. Only a few thousand people actually saw Kel’thuzad, but millions saw Deathwing. The reason Mists of Pandaria is starting with 18 bosses and adding larger raid tiers than we have had previously is because many players are going to see the raids through LFR. "

And I have to say that as someone who is a veteran of the game (which is easily noticeable if you look my achievements how that’s true), and as someone who raided back in vanilla and TBC and experienced Sunwell back than when it was the current content, the raid which only small percentage of the playerbase experienced back than, and as someone to who the LFR was never the main mode of the raiding and who wouldn’t be affected if it would be removed how I’m glad that it exist for all the people which wouldn’t otherwise without it be able to see the raiding content for whatever reason.

Also for all the naysayers which say how the LFR is bad for the game and how the players can’t get improved in it there are threads like this :


No I don’t want random BG to be removed, I would however want some changes in the current way pvp gear and pvp works.
In my opinion it would be better if there was a pvp gear and pve gear and pve gear wouldn’t perform as well in pvp as pvp clear and the other way around. Basically bring back resilience.
Also I want the pvp vendors back.
Random bg’s and bg’s in general was a way to farm the starting gear for arenas, and I would compare it to old heroic dungeons in pve rather than LFR. This comparison is mostly because your actions have an effect in BG’s. Mostly if you know what you are doing and do what you should be doing this increases the chance of winning the BG. If you compare this to LFR where no one cares what you are doing cause it really doesn’t matter, there is no loosing condition in LFR.

It would be very blurred. People do multiple difficulties. Some work through the difficulties.
Some want gear, some want mogs, some wanted origination stacks, some want resources etc. The lowest take up would probably be mythic. Even then many hc raiding guilds will dabble with the earlier bosses in mythic.

I’m clad you actually went and found some source for it. I agree that the old content probably wasn’t experienced by most of the player base. I never went into sunwell tho I didn’t think I really missed much with it and in vanilla I only did ZG and MC because I had no idea what I was doing, and I spend my days in scholomance and stratholme hunting for dungeon set pieces. I need to argue that the perfect balance in my opinion was found in wotlk mainly with icc, which was easily clearable by pug groups. I know this because I made those runs every week.
In this day and age missing out content shouldn’t be a problem when you can just write raids name in google and watch the first video of it. Watching a video of a normal run in my opinion is much more exciting that doing LFR. LFR in feature is pretty much a video of raid itself and has nothing to do with raiding which is the problem I’m having with it.

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Except, i do? wheres you are just trolling :slight_smile:

WOW could take a lot from it about telling a story via questing that people would actually want to follow.

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It wouldn’t be the wow forums without someone crying about LFR being “bad”…

LFR is here to stay. DEAL WITH IT!


I am not dealing with it, I ended my subscription already my game time ends in 5 days. I am not willing to pay Blizzard monthly to destroy a game I have played for over 10 years.

I disagree with you, so I must be trolling?

Yikes. IQ the size of a shoe.

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Then why on earth did you even bother with this post??

Cause making this post was much more enjoyable than playing the game. Also I think it is good to talk about these things, maybe Blizzard is watching the forums even tho they don’t care about their players nearly as much as they care about swearing in the forums.

The YouTube existed before the LFR introduction and people could watch videos of the raids even back than. The thing you fail to comprehend with this logic is that watching someone else playing the games is never the same thing as experiencing the content first hand for most people. And I don’t agree with your opinion about the LFR because players need to still perform in a LFR, they still need to heal, dps and tank, and some of them are learning their roles through that mode, and they can still wipe on the bosses like Ghuun even on that difficulty and used to wipe on some other bosses if they didn’t do all the mechanics suited for it. And if you actually did saw the link I posted from the US forum you would see how even LFR difficulty is benefical for some players.


That is true for those who actually do something in LFR, they need to perform so I can afk through it. Ppl learning from LFR is a weird statement since I’m still seeing everyone run through the forcefield thingie at once at M.O.T.H.E.R usually almost wiping the raid. Better way to do that boss is to run into the flames and die so you don’t do dmg to your group and the bossfight is much more relaxing for you.

Let me get this straight, so you want to get rid of lfr (a feature which op and… clearly you(?) Don’t use anyways?) Just because? With no consideration of people who might not actually be able to raid for hours ( let that be with a guild or pug) due to strict timetables for whatever that reason might be? Work or life etc…

Cool… cool, cool, cool :slight_smile: sure with WF/TF it makes things different, but it would be the same as doing a wq and then the item “rolls” to a high ilvl… So yeah, sorry if I feel that your attacks towards on my posts and now my IQ feels like trolling to me…


I did plenty of LFR-s on my main and alt in this expac because of the gold and runes and in the most I have been the players performed solidly and managed to clear all the bosses in the end, sure there were some people making the mistakes but that’s tolerable for that mode of the raiding which is made more as an mode for the beginners in the game and the people which don’t have the time anymore to dedicate for the more serious raiding but want to experience the content since even the more experienced raiders which are doing the higher modes of the difficulty do make mistakes when they are still learning the encounters. And the players which are afk-ing there aren’t helping anyone, and should be kicked in my opinion.

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