How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

This is kind of a continuation from post LFR and time gate. I took some comments ppl had about LFR and I want to respond to them. I couldn’t do this before because my account was put on hold for saying a naughty word in lore discussion about horde honor. Post that got me banned was (I replaced my foul language to make it readable for all the fragile ppl in the forums).
Sylvanas doesn’t give a poop about the horde or their honor.
Garrosh Hellscream was the perfect example of Horde honor.
Saurfang is just a whiny female dog and a traitor.

Anyway comments I wanted to respond:

The stats he provided was:

I believe this 100%, but let me give another example which would give you similar stats.
Lets imagine that the president of USA said that he would give 10milj dollars to anyone who would show up at the white house at 5 pm wednesday.
Lets say that 51.2% of the ppl living in USA showed up, and this would make a huge line in front of the white house. With your logic I could say by looking at the statistics that 51.2% of ppl love to stand in line or we could not be stupid and say that ppl probably want the 10 milj dollars.

This is true but as we can see in previous example those statistics doesn’t tell if ppl like doing LFR or are there just to get that free loot.

I believe that he has never heard anyone complain about LFR in game cause I haven’t heard anyone say anything in game. WoW is being turned into a bad single player game, where you have no reason to talk to anyone. Before the implication of LFR and group finder you would see ppl using the trade chat a lot and whispering to get a spot in a pug raid. Now I only see ppl advertising their boost runs.

If you state that Blizzard stated something I would love to see some sources for these statements. I recommend you and everyone reading this go and see the Raid design panel from 2005. Jeff tells you that ppl who say they would never raid are liars and the 1% myth is in fact a myth. After watching the video plz come and tell me how LFR fits into that design.

You can ignore 1 penny just as much you can ignore 10 thousand dollars.

This is the case of accessibility because ppl who play 2 hours per week has to be able to get the same content as someone who plays 12 hours per day to get required things to get that content and learning how to play the game. Cause when you buy a any game from steamstore you should instantly get an access to the last boss of the game. This is the same excuse gaming executives have used for pay to win or pay to progress schemes. Cause some ppl doesn’t have time to play the game so we added a little fee so they can skip the entire game.

In short making a game accessible means you are developing the game for someone who doesn’t want to play the game. So they can skip it by taking a shortcut to the end.

In conclusion LFR in my opinion is a terrible feature and it should have been removed a long time ago. Hopes of Blizzard removing it now is very low cause the hole of accessibility that Blizzard has been digging past years is so deep I don’t believe Blizzard will ever get out of it.

Talking about accessibility ilevel and the other numbers. I first encountered ilevel in wotlk tho it was disguised as an addon called gear score. I hated the addon back then and I hate ilevel now. Gear score made ppl wear items that were bad just cause it raised their gear score. So this started to destroy the stats you got from items and make them into 1 number that ruled the game.
Well back to BFA and oh Ilevel is the only stat that matters in items how great. How accessible, ppl who don’t want to learn about other stats can just look at this number and ignore everything els.

I have no idea why mana is still in the game. I don’t think most of the dps players know what the static blue bar below your health is. I’ve never seen that bar move when I have played elemental shaman or retri paladin.

Mana regen.
Mana regen needs to be a stat that you can increase. This is the core stat healers work towards when they are gearing.

Base stats.
Strength, agility and intelligence these are all the same thing. What does strength do for you, it makes you hit harder. How about agility, oh it makes you hit harder. Well surely intelligence gives you some hidden powers like I dunno mana or mana regen, oh no it makes you hit harder.
In the name of accessibility why have 3 stats when you can have just 1 stat? You could call the hit harder stat.

These are some thought I have about the game I could write much more, but I think the post is long enough like this.

Edit regarding the LFR part of this post.

I’m really getting tired of talking about LFR since it’s just me repeating the first 20-50 answers I’ve given to that topic, but I do believe LFR is still horrible and something needs to happen. After having these conversations I still think that LFR and LFG is hurting the game, but I think it would be better to not remove LFR but remake it completely to a story mode option. I think this wont ever happen because the development needed to make new content (this seems too much to ask from Blizzard now days), but I still think it’s a really cool idea.

Story mode would be something like this: You would be participating in the story, but not as a raid, it would be more like small tasks and plenty of cutscenes. Like a story driven quest of an event, we have seen lots of these in BFA already (like the battle for Lordaeron) so I think you get my point.

Since most of the criticism this topic has gotten is that LFR is giving ppl that don’t care or want to use their time to raid a chance to see the story. This makes me believe that the boss fights and trash clearing in LFR is not something ppl really enjoy that much (I surely don’t enjoy it). So making it something els than a copy of a raid might be much better than what it is now.

Rewards for participating into these in my opinion shouldn’t be anything major. Rewards should be giving ppl something extra like gems, materials for crafting (ofc professions are needed to be useful for this to be appealing), gold, war resources, azerite and transmog gear. I would want to see some epic rewards too, but these should be very heavily related to the story and not meant to be really too powerful.


Wel then, you and Saurfang have something in common. You are both whiney female dogs.

One whines about Honor and one about lfr. Both sound like fake eletists.


How refreshing i havent seen one of these every week since DS lfr come out …wonders off for a cap nap and to find some popcorn for the usual rants .
How about we blame LFR for making Trump want to build a wall.


if you dont like lfr, dont do them!! why do you have such vendetta against lfr?


I dont like it but there are people who like it.
HOW dare they have fun in a feature which I don’t like! This is totally unacceptable!
/sarcasm off

I dont do lfr so I dont really care about it. If somebody actually likes doing it…then be my guest. :smiley:


You are decked out in welfare gear, yet you have a problem with it. You hate lfr, but cleared it 8/8.


LFR breeds laziness, it sets the bar below people’s feet and they still manage to go under it, for which they get Determination buff? That is just silly to a point when I start crying.
I did retarded amount of LFRs in Legion for the legos and I can’t believe the type of people playing it as main content… LFR isn’t WoW. It is an AAA type of gameplay where the game holds your hand and doesn’t let you ever get hurt, while showering you with rewards for doing next to nothing.


exactly! I mean… the ilvl that you get is way lower than normal, heroic and mythic… i would probably think twice if it dropped same ilvl as mythic :stuck_out_tongue:


I would want to see statistics behind how many players actually are on the real raids and how many use LFR

How. Do epic raiders like you not just click buttons when playing warcraft?


Ugh. People like you… Back in MoP i was part of a raiding guild. Sadly it attracted people like you. Thank odin for LFR.


I don’t understand what’s people’s problem with LFR… like, you can literally skip and avoid it and never set foot in it. For better or worse Raids are being a part of the story for a long time now and for a lot of players LFR is the only way to experience the full story. Why deny them that? Stop being selfish and start using your brains. LFR is literally irrelevant for anyone who is able to do Normal raiding or beyond. But there are people who aren’t able and LFR is there for them.


if you don’t like someones post, dont read it!!! why do you make such stupid posts?

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Hating on LFR is like a fashion accessory. It’s like Paris Hilton and that little dog thing, all the cool kids do it, so I’m going to do it, too!

“How LFR, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game” -Guy who does nothing but LFR


You people, that hate LFR, do you want random BG’s to be removed too?

Because in my opinion LFR = Random BG, you can go in goof around and perhaps get some gear.

Imagine if Random BG’s were removed, how much more people we would have for rated games and world PvP


Its because the .000000001% of mythic raiders dont feel special enough when less skilled people with less time also get to experience the game with lesser rewards and challenge. Its the vocal minority that is against LFR, the idiots like Asmongold and likes that keep chanting that LFR is bad so ofcourse people will say its bad, but they do not realize that not everyone want or have time to raid properly


Leave Asmongold out of this because he aint even playing wow anymore he is into darksouls now.

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Why does it have Augment runes? Why is it the only consistant sorce of farming them? LFR raiders sure don’t use them. Why are they in LFR instead in Normal/Heroic/Mythic?


Surely that’s an argument to remove Augment runes from LFR rather than removing LFR from the game?

As to the OP I am not sure why ilvl and making the game more accessible is the ruination of the game? They made it more accessible through the first two expansions and we got to arguably the peak of the game in Wrath which was a whole lot more accessible than the original game.

Also hasn’t ilvl always been in the game? I certainly recall GS being a big thing towards the end of TBC and throughout Wrath which was purely based on a persons ilvl.

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Because they are an excellent source of gold. I farm them in lfr and sell them to god-tier raiders like you for lots of gold.

I need more gold to buy xmog pieces and pets to continue with my filty casual shenanigans.