How long Blizz is going to ignore AV horde cave location?

Every game looks like this, on top of pulling Vand with all towers up and ends after 7-9 minutes

imgur /a/jnGS6kV

imgur /a/CXqD4hm

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Blizzard can stop ignoring the cave as soon as they make the Alliance base as hard to defend as the Horde one. Alliance should always win in AV, literally all you need is a few hunters defending.

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Horde got more choke points where Alliance has to throttle through, ontop of that Horde has 3 buildings where they literally sit ontop of, making it hard for melee to even touch any horde sitting on roofs, gates or towers. You say alliance base is easy to defend, yet horde just runs through without much opposition.
Also the turn in dudes are also always dead on alliance after first push, especially the armor turn, which Alliance cannot really defend.


Horde literally only has one choke point and it’s a joke compared to the Alliance bridge.

The Alliance base is 100 times easier to defend.

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IBGY choke - WFWT/EFWT choke - even the opening gate to the actual village is a choke.
Hunters make all of these a living hell, bridge, due to its size is a breeze.

If it’s 100 yards wide it’s not a choke.

dude that choke is smaller than the bridge, literal troll. the GY is not helping for alliance ontop of it.

Horde can delay alliance right at Balinda, then at IBGY, the first gate of frostwolf village, then at the twin towers.
Alliance can delay at Icewing Bunker, up to the 2nd to last GY and Bridge.

Horde have it somuch easier in AV, shut up.

You’re objectively wrong.

Just stating the facts, you ain’t even bothering arguing. Typical horde ego believing alliance got it easy when it’s horde all along.

What is there to argue?

htt ps://

You’re saying the red line is bigger than the green line.

You’re blind or lying, either way there’s no point arguing over it since you’re wrong.

It’s not a lie, also taking a bloody map screenshot when actually being there it is a whole different story is just twisting the facts. Play the BG or shut it and stay to retail clueless.

Okay go take a picture ingame

stay to retail clueless.

You’re literally playing the simplest class in the simplest iteration of WoW lmao

Don’t bother arguing with this temp room IQ paladin