How long did it take you to get from 1-120?

I always loremaster trough new content and do it voluntarily. Except horde BfA, that was painful. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I did Loremaster twice :scream:

The original one, which was a pain in the posterior to get completion on Kalimdor. And then the revamped version after cata was introduced, I did it all again :rofl:

I do love all that kind of stuff though.

Me too. Me too. But the thing is I had a Loremaster addon for the cursed Kalimdor.

So yeah… I cheated on finding quests. :smirk:

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I had no such luxury :rofl:

That was much smarter than my approach.

My last leveling experience was void elf mage from 20 to 110 in about 30 hours /played, simply following quests without any extra rested exp.
110-120 would require 5-7 hours these days i guess. With easier class to level like hunter or tank it would have been even faster. So 30-40 hours /played is fair estimate, storing rested exp and chosing better route can make it faster.

The record is about 25h with every possible boost you can find (the +300% xp potions aren’t included as not available iirc)

I did it with a zandalari in about 45h taking my time and focusing on the worst zones possible (BC shadowMoon vale was a blast tho, never did the zone before and the rewards were cool)

If you optimize a bit you can do it with all heirlooms in about 30/40h.

Without heirlooms I’d say 60h and as a new player anywhere between 70 and 80h

1-60 Cataclysm zone questing is just too samey and formulaic to repeat:

  1. Follow breadcrumb quest to hub
  2. Take quest to kill 8 X and 6 Y, alongside a second quest to interact with 5 Z.
  3. Hand in quests, pick up new quest to kill named boss-mob.
  4. Breadcrumb quest to next questing hub. Rinse and repeat.

Ugh :sleepy:

But there are some quest zones I simply do not tire of and can do time and time again. I’m looking at you, Nagrand.

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I think we all have favourites.

I’m really curious to see how this improved faster levelling works out in SL. I will have to quest but I know it’s only for one expansion for the bulk.

Will it be faster?

I was imagining each level just taking twice as long.

They confirmed at Blizzcon levelling from 10-50 which is the equivalent of 20-120 will be up to 70% faster.

I’m so happy I could cry.

brb, just telling a few alts that I won’t be seeing them for a while.

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Haha, and I might also be starting some kind of spreadsheet plan showing which of them will level in which expansion.

BfA for you, Kul Tiran. Draenor for you, Mag’Har. Outland for… jokes, no one’s doing that.


I’m just wondering why so many people don’t understand that days, weeks and months is a useless time measurement for character leveling, at least due to ambiguity.
(I’m not gonna spell it out.)

Too long

Not if they’re using days to mean a block of 24 hours play time, which I think they are.

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I think the saying ‘How long is a piece of string?’ sums this up. All the replies have been different as each had different methods, pure dungeon, pure questing, a mixture of these, I personally also throw in BG’s just to vary the levelling process. I can’t tell you the last time I levelled in Draenor or Legion because with xp boosts and bonus areas and then in legion the invasions, I can totally skip the main content. I guess in the end it becomes how fast do you want to level? :slight_smile:

On my last alt it took 1 day 4 hours but I did korraks from 109 so I reckon around 1 day 14-16 hours /played from 1-120 without korraks and the 15% buff.

The scaling still weirds me out, it feels wrong to level 1-60 in redridge and darkshire.

On my hunter and warrior: 15 years and a few months. :smile:


And this, think I also have a few alts that have sat around for a long time at varying levels, even Korrak’s didn’t encourage me to bring them out of retirement :wink: