How long does it take for a refund?

I just used the live chat. I got my sub to the wrong account and asked for a refund so I can add playtime to the account I want. The employer was very nice and agreed to my request :P.

So far I got only a mail that my subscription is frozen, but not a refund so far on paypal. So i would like to ask how long it usually takes for a refund?

Thank you.

The issuance of a refund is usually instant, however, it can take some financial institutions up to 28 business days to credit it back to a persons account.

That mostly applies to banks, but as you have mentioned paypal, maybe they operate in the same manner.

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Thanks a lot for the answer! I also just got an e-mail that say that refund might take 7-28 days.

Noob question: It says that during this time I cannot access wow. I suppose it means the account that is supposed to get the refund right? I can safely add my sub to another account and play?

In the mail it says exactly this:

Blockquote IMPORTANT - Since your refund request is for gametime, it is imperative that you do not access World of Warcraft, as this may jeopardise our ability to finalize your refund request.

Yep, you can just add gametime to another game license but stay off the one that’s getting the refund issued.

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My last paypal refund took well over a week to be refunded, that’s after it appeared in my paypal activity.

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So if i get this right, if my call of duty modern warfare status is refunded it takes about a month to get the money back? (assuming I don’t use the game)? Btw, is it refunded on your bank account or your blizzard balance.