How long does it take for dead bodies to disappear?

There’s several dead orc bodies laying around Orgrimmar with various racist names

I have sent a ticket but just wondering if the GM doesn’t get to them any time soon do they disappear eventually by themselves or will they remain their until the GM does something?

Someone must have got very tilted and decided to nerd rage with racist char names

I think it is daily reset. Not entirely sure.

I do remember some toons rushing Ironforge HC telling people to quit (spelled in words) though and those remaining hmmm.

Cool thanks, wasn’t sure if there was maybe a delay over the weekend, hopefully they will be away by tomorrow

Don’t think so, on Crusader Strike we had same corpse stuck in SW for days (name was composed to mock one of guilds on the realm :P). Could be weekly reset. But I can confirm it wasn’t on daily reset, at least not before transfers opened. If anything changed meanwhile I can’t tell.