How long will blizz keep assassination a "dead" spec?

Can anyone explain to me how they dont do anything about assassination rogue ? It’s been rotting at the bottom of logs for both S1, and S2. I kinda like the play style, but why play assa when you can play sub ? It’s not even good for PvP.
Blizz have done a great job with tuning in DF. But to me it seems like noone cares about assa anymore.


Because there is a rework of the Rogue planned for 10.2 normally.

where u read this? maybe they will do something with him by the end of DF. it’s all a joke

Discord Rogue, Blue post.

Who cares about some random discord ? Thats not the official way to announce things. They should communicate these things in forums…

Useless dev…


It won’t be a full rework. Just some “small” changes here and there and perhaps few talents and nodes adjusted. I don’t believe it’ll fix the core issues of assassination rogue.
And yes it’s a shame that Realz (rogue dev) is only asking for feedback on the class discord.


Wish it performed better, since its the most fun its been in years.

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