How many bullions do we get per character this season?

My transmog coach wants to know.

" Players can only get one Bullion per character per week , but the cap is cumulative, which means if you don’t get any Bullions for a few weeks, you can still catch up to everyone else by killing a few more raid bosses in that week."

so there is no seasonal cap just 1 per week till the end?

That’s what the information say and what I can find.

I’ve not done anything in Season 4 as I’m chilling before the prepatch begins.

I’ve seen people make claims about limits but I’ve not seen a limit in any post by Blizzard so far.

Theres also quests like the one last week that awarded two. So we don’t really know. There may be more quests. But weeks in season is a good minimum.

nice, I’m gonna get all the mogs then lol (as I got all the “gear of interest”).

Same - but I thought we’d reach the limit of a few items by now but bullions KEEP COMING. good.
I will miss bullions in TWW :frowning: We should get at least one bullion item per season. It’s a good system. Everyone likes it. Too OP rn as access to bullions is too easy but it’s a good system.

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Basically yes

The addon Bullion Alert will track bullion drops from raid on your characters. You can easily check if you’re up to speed with dropped bullion.

(add 4 for the total cap if you’ve been playing since the season started and completed the two bonus quests.)

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This barely works. Last week i spent some time on prepping a few characters for TWW. They were all lvl 70 already and never seen lfr, so we are talking earning up to lfr ilvls and then clear lfr for bullions.

Best i did: 3 bullions on one character. Other characters gotten 1 or 2 bullions at best.

Not so impressed tbh with this so called catch up mechanic. Sure i doesnt have to be the full amount in 1 run. But i do believe just the regular amount of 1 bullion is quite low.

Minus the 2 weeklies past that offered 2 extra bullions each, so Catch-up will be missing out on those 4 so far.

I started my frost dk 2 weeks ago and did a full lfr clear. I got 8(!) bullions from it :joy:

I think theres 10 avaliable now. Could be wrong.

Theres command in wowhead that will print avaliable amount. You can macro it so you dont need addon

no, no - I’m up to date on “all max level non-remix chars” - I’m just wondering if they are gonna stop getting bullions after reaching some unspecified seasonal limit, in SL s4 we had 3 dinars per char, remember?
But SEEMS there is no such cap at all which is super nice.

Thank you for your answers and stories ^^

oh it doesnt work anymore wat

Ooh I like this addon

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exactly same answer you got on your paladin a couple weeks ago.

Nwm, script delted by poster. Prob api was updated. Need a new one if previous does not work

living rent free in your head if you remember a post I don’t remember myself. KEK

Big L on your side.

Do you want to know what I ate for dinner, maybe?