How many Retri -butor -bootor -booter posters are there?

Retriboomer is copying me too now xD


Retri bootleg


I was here way before all you younglings. Back in my day, I was the only one.


ok boomer

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Well, it’s always as I say. Retributor is on a very special crusade here.

Watch your tongue discount Retributor. Our cause is just, +8 bag slots is unacceptable.

There is only 1 true zealot, he is the safeguard of justice, he is the one who always speaks the truth in the name of justice, his name is Retributor, the others are cheap impersonators trying to follow their master’s footsteps…

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May I ask, how many ‘fans’ do you have?
I have seen so many Retri-whatever… it’s getting out of hand.

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Careful now, i got forum silenced two times in a row for replying to the guy. didnt say anything offensive or anything. think he spam-reports everyone who happens to disagree with his trolling.

Or it could be the same guy not being creative with his alt-Paladins and replying to himself. You can never be sure.

The achievement points on the characters wildly differ though, which suggests it’s not the same account. Can’t rule out having the same person behind, but makes it less likely.

You are wrong. I have just checked the same achievements on a few of my characters on the same license. And most of them don’t have the same dates on the achievements and none of my characters have the same amount of achievement points either.

Why? People do absurd things all the time. Why would this one be less plausible?

I didn’t say same. I said wildly different. There’s a difference between, say, 9k achievement points on one char, and 200 on another. Some also have Feats of Strength, while others do not. FotS are also blizzard account wide: my level 85 priest, on a different subscription, has the Mad World achievement for example, which she clearly did not earn.

Interestingly, the achievement points on a few select characters of mine are exactly the same - even for ones on a different WoW subscription. At least as far as the forums show. (Though, looks like it’s the same in-game too.)

Because a whole lot of people don’t do absurd things all the time. That makes it less plausible.

For some of the copy-cats, you’d need not only a separate wow subscription, but a separate blizzard account as well.

They are not on mines and they are on the same license.

Because we are not talking about multiple people here. Just one guy. Your point is that most people wouldn’t do it. Mine is that some people do it, so it’s definitely plausible for one person to do that on multiple characters or even different licenses. As for the subs, some people are multiboxing, in fact, they are a lot more multiboxes out there nowadays, at least than in MoP.

I’m not saying it is not possible that it’s the same person. I’m saying that it is more likely that it isn’t. They can still be, but I’d be very surprised if that’d be the case, but that’s it. It’s possible, just… not very likely. I mean, people aren’t trolling themselves all the time. It happens, but it is much more common for other people to create parody chars.

I see horde spies are trying to sow the seeds of mistrust. We shall band together as one!


Horde spies?? Where?! :smiling_imp:


Quite a lot, right?

Considering he quit the game and made a big deal about it.

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It’s not uncommon for those making ‘I quit’ posts to not go, or come back after a short break.

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they probably start to wonder if anyone gives two sides of a coin about them departing so come back to see what others are saying.

but I honestly don’t know why people feel the need to announce their quitting, feel kinda pointless to me since if you quit nobody will even notice you are gone.

If I were to quit the game I would announce it too, I would create a list of why, it isn’t pointless.

like first thing in my list is 1-Trashgnomes

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