How many true Warcraft fans play SoD?

Just a question, do you guys want to follow the lore of retail, or do you guys want SoD or classic+ in the future follow its own way?

you mean ragnaros became waterlord and Arthas is a disc priest?

The Warcraft fans are too busy rerolling shamans

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i have no faith in modern blizzard. therefore i do not want them to create/change any of the lore regarding classic.

based on what i see in dragonflight, and formerly shadowlands… its a huge yikes from me.

dude, never forget the burger king crown… compare that kind of stuff to OG Warcraft 3 Tyrande (whom is top bae btw)… Nelves used to be ruthless (i believe the kids these days would use the term “based” to describe them) but now they’ve been turned into actual fairies.