How much fish did you fish up?

Statistics > Skills > Secondary Skills > Fish caught.

I fished 10852 fish
I also fished 13778 of “fish and other things”

I might be having a problem I never realized I had.

PS: It gets worse - my main char has 12403 and 17688 respectively.

At this point EU should either grant me a fishing licence or fine me for poaching.


I hope you find the one one day… :pray:

Never checked before but my previous main says:

Fish Caught

Fish and other things caught

Personally for 15 years of fishing I think that is pretty low.

I should be more worried about my Kills

Creature type killed the most (genocide?)
556356 (Humonoid)

3028, most of that is probably from Legion, when I was leveling up fishing and then doing all the quest related stuff for the legendary fishing pole.

I think if they added up the numbers of all characters I have had throughout the years, it’d be a worrying number. I like fishing a bit too much. Sorry fish!

Ooh we needed a fun topic!!! :fishing_pole_and_fish:

This is my main and has been since some point in Wrath:-

My fishing alt got 11162 fish so far, and 19064 things in total. You have a pretty good fish ratio.

19276 fish and other things caught, and i still havent caught the green jellyfish mount in Antoran Wastes…

OK, so maybe it’s not that bad after all with me lol :confused:

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